Monday, November 3, 2008

Is It Dangerous To Sit Next To Printer

A tool to better communicate

Dear brothers and sisters,

The Flying Spaghetti Monster, spreading his immeasurable kindness in the minds of those who believe in Him, inspired one of our Japanese brothers to design the utensil above.
The most awkward of us, and those that are not equipped with spoons or left hand may and communicate without fear of spreading the holy tomato sauce everywhere.

dough is with you.

Friday, July 4, 2008

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Appearances of Flying Spaghetti Monster

Appearance of the Flying Spaghetti Monster on a pumpkin pie. Genuine
and without cheating.

Brothers and sisters,

You know, the Flying Spaghetti Monster is present always and everywhere. It is in our midst. And even if his presence is invisible, it is undeniable. The invisible. This quality consubstantial with the divine nature of our Creator is attested by all believers. Thus, when a plate of communion pasta every Friday, do they not feel His presence filled the end of the meal? Communion is indeed the first sign of love's invisible Flying Spaghetti Monster.

invisible and supernatural action of the Flying Spaghetti Monster is every day around us. So few people know that through His invisible appendages noodles that Flying Spaghetti Monster keeps us on the ground. Is this not sufficient proof of His love? Without him, we float in space like balloons. Praised be He!

Sometimes, to strengthen our faith, the Flying Spaghetti Monster is engaged in several appearances. We true believers have not need these events. But some of our brothers and sisters in the faith wavering, and the incredulous and members of other religious movements less credible, need to see some truth in the face. Thus, we all saw his event on the photos of fireworks on July 4th in the U.S. and at home July 14.

Contrary to the false gods, ours does not reveal itself in three children in a dark cave or corner of an adult in the shadows of a monastic cell, and when it occurs, is the largest number in order to assert that He is the One and Only. Thus, Pat (a very pretty name Pastafarians) a believer in our church, he wrote us to give us a demonstration of His presence at a concert of music. He saw, like the thousands of spectators and millions of users who share this video, a demonstration of the Flying Spaghetti Monster in the hair of the singer, meat balls included. Just look .

Some skeptics have seen the divine manifestations in the presence of aliens, which we highly doubt. (Our religion is reasonable and rational and it is not encumbered with superstitions of a bygone age.) Therefore, after reading this article Francis Brown, we fell from the clouds. This gentleman claims that the manifestations of the Virgin (mere illusions, of course) could be explained by the existence of extraterrestrials. Read more:
The first reason to stop on that assumption now is that the existence of these aliens can not be doubted. The general public still does not seem to know [...]. This ignorance is even more amazing regarding the apparitions of the Virgin for the aliens, because nobody has ever tried to hide these apparitions. There was even, despite everything, some echoes in the international press. Ignoring these signs given by God to wealth comes only from what they do not interest anyone in our world of pleasure and consumerism. To the aliens, this ignorance is excusable because, in their case there is a fierce determination all international forums to block any information and ridicule those who try to break this silence.

We all laugh at such nonsense. Indeed, we know that the aliens do not exist any more than the other gods and their acolytes. All these visions are generated by the Flying Spaghetti Monster in trouble minds the most sensitive. But let us fear for them, soon they will know and they will see.


Thursday, July 3, 2008

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The Gospel of the Flying Spaghetti Monster

It's wonderful, wonderful!

I'm reading The Gospel of the Flying Spaghetti Monster ! I like The Truth in my own hands! It's wonderful, wonderful!
When I asked the sales clerk at the bookstore Mollat (Bordeaux - France) The Gospel of the Flying Spaghetti Monster she seemed taken aback. So I told him about our God, our religion, and Pirates of the Volcano of beer ... And presto! She was immediately converted!

What is great in Pastafarianism is the speed at which non-believers and other infidels agree to convert, without even discuss, our belief is so obvious ...

The Gospel of the Flying Spaghetti Monster is available in all good bookshops and good libraries and has been since time immemorial. Proof: This stone full of hieroglyphics (see photo) is the catalog of the Library of Alexandria (Alexandra) and our gospel is already there! May His Holy

Noodle always touch you and everywhere.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

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2008 Gold Medal for geneticist Jean Weissenbach

According Libe :

2008 Gold Medal of the CNRS was awarded the geneticist Jean Weissenbach, the source of the first human genetic map with high resolution. This board, established in 1996, is a reference tool that has uncovered hundreds of genes associated with genetic diseases, and to develop screening tests.

Weissenbach, 62, also participated in the project to sequence the human genome (Genoscope, he directs since 1997, was responsible for the sequencing of chromosome 14) and has developed techniques of exploratory genome of model organisms, such as those of the fly Drosophila (fly or vinegar) and rice.

At the request of the Institut Pasteur, Weissenbach sequenced Anopheles, the mosquito that causes malaria. He has also sequenced the vine, for the National Institute of Agronomic Research (INRA), the idea of creating vine varieties resistant to pathogens and reduce pesticide use.
He said that the human genome in 2000 to 30,000 genes (one speaks today of 25,000), instead of the 100,000 previously supposed.

And that's where we burst out laughing. This so-called science has been rewarded for ridiculing of a sudden one all his colleagues who said nonsense for years with their history of 100 000 genes in the genome (why not 200,000 or a million ...).
How can we trust the scientists, whose sweeping assertions dealt out to protect their white blouses with stiff air of those who think themselves superior to uneducated journalists who take their word for blessed bread are a few months later refuted by other scientists more starchy than the previous?

Fortunately, with the Flying Spaghetti Monster, we avoid doing evil and believe themselves superior to the rest of the world. We, the Pastafari, are the elect, that's all. And we just do not care genome y su cuñado Bartolo. We know everything there is to know about the Creation and Paradise and our version has not changed one iota since the revelation. For the rest, the Flying Spaghetti Monster will provide.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Consumer Report Shower Door

Kukg Fu Panda, a film Pastafarians? Events

How to overcome his fears and complex to believe in yourself, to realize its ambitions to reach beyond the ideal? How can we forget his prejudices on others to give them a chance and see them flourish? Like letting her child go and find his own way while helping on this path?

These issues, many followers of the Holy Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster is the raised and are all found in their faith that apply. Today, these issues are those of an animated panda became a hero and a sage with a lot of work on itself and ... a secret recipe of noodles ...

Ha ha! The Flying Spaghetti Monster comes in through the back door in a blockbuster designed ... It's very clever from Him. Thus, His appendix noodles surreptitiously seeps in young minds. The children soon, will identify with their heroes and become stuffed noodle sellers to turn ... the great movement towards spaghettisation souls is engaged!


Monday, June 30, 2008

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His Noodles Entity

All 4 July, U.S. Pasafaris photographed dozens of demonstrations of the Flying Spaghetti Monster, when it decides to manifest itself through the traditional fireworks. Skeptics argue that these photos are nothing else coincidences, but we, believers and elect, know what it is.

Curiously, no fireworks unlike Jesus, who knows why ... Neither Buddha, Allah or Invisible Pink Unicorn to ... Like what, our God is the True and Only ... If this is not proof , this ...

14 July, do not hesitate to photograph the sky in search of similar events.

Other photos of pyrotechnic phenomenon in the home of Bobby Henderson.

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Log Bedspost A Comment

Bertrand Russell and Richard Dawkins, believe antipastafariens

It is now clear that Bertrand Russell, the famous mathematician, logician and philosopher, has openly mocked our religion through his famous satire analog of the teapot. At other times, the reign of religions less permissive than ours, there is no doubt he would have been spent by iron and fire. But the Flying Spaghetti Monster in his immeasurable kindness, let Russell play with his nonsense as you leave a kitten to mumuse with a ball of wool.

The analogy of Bertrand Russell

If I were to suggest that between Earth and Mars is a teapot china elliptical orbit around the sun, nobody would be able to prove otherwise as long as I took the precaution of specifying that the teapot is too small to be detected by our most powerful telescopes. But if I said that, as my proposal can not be disproved, it is not tolerable for human reason to doubt, as soon as we consider myself a visionary. However, if the existence of this tea was described in ancient books, taught as the sacred truth every Sunday, and instilled in children at school, then any hesitation to believe in its existence become a mark of eccentricity and the skeptic would be the care of a psychiatrist in an enlightened age or of the Inquisition in earlier times.

You can see where the philosopher is coming ... By using mockery to mock the divine, it suggests that some doctrines that might pass for illuminated itself uses subterfuge. Some have also taken the step in affirming thing.

It is useless for true believers attempt to contradict this type of connection, the author having repeatedly made a fool of himself, especially when he invented the proposal Atomic (as if a sentence could explode), or by asking the question silly: all sets not belonging to themselves he belongs to itself? or by asking the barber's paradox as follows: ¬ ∃ y ∀ x (x R y ⇔ ¬ x R x) ... We have seen clear ...

The theme of the pot taken by Richard Dawkins

needs no introduction Richard Dawkins, the famous British ethologist, and popularizer of evolutionary theorist, critic of intelligent design and taking into atheism. He is called the Rottweiler of Darwin is targeting all the gods and the supernatural in general, especially in his book For God Delusion .

As it seems important to identify Pastafari theses of their enemies, we will deliver the following development that Dawkins on Teapot Russell:

Organized religion deserves the utmost hostility because, unlike belief in Russell's teapot, organized religion is powerful, influential, tax-exempt and systematically passed on to children too young to defend themselves. We do not force children to spend their formative years memorizing books on wacky teapots. Public schools do not exclude children whose parents prefer the wrong shape of teapot. The faithful of the teapot does not stoning non-believers in the teapot, the teapot apostates, heretics of the teapot or the blasphemers of the teapot. Mothers do not prevent their son from marrying shiksas the teapot on the pretext that their parents believe in three teapots rather than one. Those who pay the milk first do not mutilate those who prefer to start by pouring the tea.

Everything and anything. When is a book entitled To finish with Richard Dawkins ?

We recall here that the Flying Spaghetti Monster is love, He expects us to eternity at the foot of the volcano of beer near the plant strippers (SEUS). This eschatological vision is far superior to materialistic visions of the two bitterly sad-lords mentioned above.

Saturday, June 28, 2008

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Nicolas Sarkozy: an opening for Pastafarism?

Finally, France, Republic constitutionally secular, accepting to open his heart to spirituality. Remind us what a typical French paradox: how can we make the world champion of freedom of thinking and refuse at the same time that our children can choose the theory on building the most consistent with their ideas? (Or with those of their parents until they are eighteen years.) The new president of the French Republic, the bearer of the concept of break with the secular state from its predecessors, offers a light of hope, even, to use his favorite word of hope .

Fight for secularism is over

The rise of fundamentalism in France has encouraged the return of speech promoting secularism, which are voluntarily in the same bag fundamentalism and the mass of increasingly numerous moderate believers of any religion. Here French intellectuals have done better to remain silent, those who have confused the principles of secularism with their own ideas and anticlerical atheists.

So, advocates of spirituality rushed into the breach with gusto. Nicolas Sarkozy, the first, announced the return of religion in most of our companies [...] as a reality. Then he said: a man who believes is a man who hopes, the interests of the Republic is that there are many men who hope . Since Petain, no French leader did the sort written in the tradition of the natural alliance between spiritual power and temporal power.

Henri Guaino, adviser to the president, drives the point in putting thoughts in the right way, he who says: secularism is not the struggle against religion is respect for all beliefs . Until then, the defenders of secularism stuck to his Republican definition, based on constitutional or legislative body. The two pillars of the 1905 Act are: the guarantee of free exercise of religion and the limits imposed by public order. Nowhere does it matter that the Republic should have respect for all faiths ; say this on behalf of the Republic is a phenomenal advance for all religions, including ours.

past, before the break, the Republic was simply to ensure that the practice of religion is done in compliance with the law, ensuring parallel to each is free to join or not a religious, spiritual, philosophical, etc.. and, regardless of any opinion on the beliefs themselves. Fortunately, today these principles seem to collapse. Indeed, the presidency of the French Republic is not she the guardian of its constitution? Responding well, President and advisers are not they trying to give an interpretation of the constitution that we can not be that beneficial?

We see that the momentum already saving encourages atheists to give up, especially when one reads in the writings of Michel Onfray:
At a time when a final battle looms - ... already lost - to defend Enlightenment values against proposals magic, we must promote a secular post-Christian, namely atheist activist and radically opposed to any social choice between the Judeo-Christian West and Islam that battle. Neither the Bible nor the Koran.

The positive secularism negates the tenets of republican education

Going against the new atheism claimed by the philosopher Michel Onfray, President says France has everything to gain from a positive secularism , to effective recognition of the role of spiritual movements in public life, their competition in the definition of a moral for the country. These sign about the rout of the education system typically French, which means that religions do not have a say in the public sphere in general and in the educational world in particular. The moral dimension is more solid, more grounded when it arises from a spiritual, religious, rather than when it seeks its source in the political debate or in the model Republican writes Nicolas Sarkozy, we agree strongly in her direction.

Allusions to secularism exhausted or spied by the fanaticism will make waves. Unafraid of offending, Nicolas Sarkozy said that the interest of the Republic is to have people who believe and hope and it is not good policy without reference to transcendence . On education, his position is clear: religious education that preaches the property is not contrary to national education, and religion can help Republic .

We easily see that to which the French President is moving:
  • participation of religious movements to establish rules and laws of the Republic to moral (abortion, legal personality of the fetus, gay adoption, euthanasia ...);

  • participation of religious movements in the teaching of subjects affecting the primary (creation of the world, biology of living history in a broad sense and especially religion, philosophy ...)

  • participation religious movements acts Republicans (blessing of the Parliament before any discussion of significance by a rabbi, a priest, an imam, a pastor and officiating Pastafarians; presence of a religious marriage in the Republican to give meaning to this ceremony to give a religious prominent place in hospitals, prisons, schools, universities, scientific institutes, etc.)..

We see at once how the subsequent reaction of Henri Pena-Ruiz can be dangerous for a movement like ours
Secularism without adjective, neither positive nor negative, can not be disfigured by about baseless. It can not be reduced to freedom to believe or disbelieve granted with a certain condescension for "non-believers". It implies the fullness of equal treatment by the Republic and its president, atheists and believers. This equality, of course, is the condition of genuine brotherhood, in reference to the common good, that is all.

Openness to new religions

When he was finance minister, Nicolas Sarkozy was greeted with great fanfare at the Bercy No. 1 the so-called Church of Scientology, the famous actor Tom Cuise. Emmanuelle Mignon, director of office of President of the Republic, has subsequently clarified the position of the new tenant of the Elysee Palace as follows: Let
these movements and groups disturb public order and abuse of psychological weakness people, and in this case must be prosecuted and punished [...]. Either they do not disturb public order and respect the people, then they should be able to exist normally in accordance with the principle of freedom of conscience.
No doubt that the Miviludes , the wind of the bullet at some tousled heads.

If motion as infrequently that Scientology has no limit in the upper echelons of the French state, what could it be for a religion as intelligent and selfless as our own? The time is quite favorable for us to claim our rightful place.
Yes, we participate in the religious revival .
Yes, we are the bearers of an eschatology of hope .
Yes, we are part of a reading of the world based on transcendence.
Therefore, the doors can that open to allow us to spread the gospel in schools, colleges, high schools and universities.

Brothers and sisters, we urge the representatives of local authorities (mayors, deputies, senators ...) to take account of the religion in general and the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster in particular all acts of republican life. Let's spearheading the return of the religious institutions of the Republic. Are working to advance the principles of our faith at all levels. We're on the right side, the Flying Spaghetti Monster is with us in our hearts and in our lives. We helps to fulfill His will and to affirm its supremacy over beings and institutions. His holy appendage you can touch as he touched Nicolas Sarkozy.


Friday, June 27, 2008

How Do Mice Communicate

theological Proof of the existence of the Flying Spaghetti Monster

1. The Flying Spaghetti Monster, first unmoved mover

Proof of the existence of the Flying Spaghetti Monster can be obtained by five lanes. The first and most obvious is that part of the movement. Obviously, our senses attest, that in this world things move. However, everything that moves is moved by another. Indeed, nothing moves only if it is power compared to what the movement itself provides. Rather, what moves does that so it is in act, for moving is to move from potency to act, and nothing can be brought to act otherwise than by being in act, as currently a hot body, such as fire, makes wood hot now formerly hot power, and so the moves and alters it. However, it is not possible that the same be considered in the same report, is both in act or power, he can do that in various relationships: for example, which is actually hot can not be at the same time potentially hot, but it is at the same time, cold power. It is therefore impossible that in the same respect and the same way something is both moving and moved, that is to say that he meuve itself. So if something moves, we must say that it is driven by another. What if, then, the thing that moves is moved in turn, must turn it to be moved by another, and this by yet another. But we can not proceed to infinity, because then there would be no first mover, and it would follow that there would be no other engines, because engines second only that move according to whether they are driven by the motor first, as does the stick that moves handled by hand. So it is necessary to reach a prime mover which is itself driven by any other, and such a being, everyone recognizes the Flying Spaghetti Monster.

2. The Flying Spaghetti Monster is the first efficient cause

The second way refers to the notion of efficient cause. We note, observing sensible things, it is an order, among efficient causes, but what is not and is not possible, one thing is the efficient cause of it himself, which imply the preceding itself, which is impossible. But it is not possible that goes to infinity in efficient causes, for, among all the efficient causes in series, the first is due to intermediate and intermediate causes of the last term, in any number of intermediaries that if they are large or that there is only one. On the other hand, remove the cause, you also delete the effect. So, if there is no first in the order of efficient causes, there will be no last or intermediary. Now go to infinity in efficient causes, it would delete the first and, accordingly, there would be no effect this year, or through efficient cause, which is obviously false. It must necessarily assume some first efficient cause, as everyone calls the Flying Spaghetti Monster.

3. The Flying Spaghetti Monster is necessary in itself, is the first necessity

The third way is possible and necessary, and it is such. Among the things we find that can be and not to be: the proof is that some things engender and corrupt, and therefore are and are not. But it is impossible that everything is of such nature, for what may not be, at one time or another is not. If so everything can not be, at any given time there was nothing in things. Now if this were so, even now nothing would be, for what is not begins to be by something that is. If so then no being was, there was no impossibility that was beginning to be, and so today there would be nothing, what is seen to be false. Thus, all beings are not only possible, and there is necessary in things. Now all that is necessary, or derives its need elsewhere or not. And it is not possible to go to infinity in the series who needed a cause of their necessity, nor that it is when it comes to efficient causes as has been proved. We are therefore obliged to assume something which is necessary for yourself, not taking for the cause of its necessity, but providing their cause need for other measures.

4. The Flying Spaghetti Monster is the perfect model

The fourth channel carries degrees in things you notice. It can be seen in the things of more or less good, the more or less true, more or less noble, and so of similar attributes. But the more and less are predicated of different things in different ways depending on whether these things are akin to that which carries the maximum, for example, we say what is hotter closer to the maximum heat. So there is something that is supremely true, supremely good, supremely noble, and therefore also be sovereign, because, as Aristotle shows in the Metaphysics, which is sovereign in truth is as sovereign as to be. On the other hand, they say such a sovereign, in any genre, is the cause of all cases of this kind, like fire, warm up is because of the heat of everything else, as stated the same book. So there is something for all beings, because of being, goodness and perfection. That is what we call Flying Spaghetti Monster .

5. The Flying Spaghetti Monster is the intelligent guide to all things

Finally, the fifth way back to the Flying Spaghetti Monster by the government of things. We see that things are deprived of knowledge as natural bodies act to an end, which is shown by this we always, or most often, they act the same way so as to achieve the best: of apert where it is not by chance, but under a determined they reach their end. However, what is private knowledge can tender for a purpose to be headed by a knowing and intelligent, as the arrow by the archer. So there are some intelligent being, by which all natural things are directed towards an end and this being we call it the Flying Spaghetti Monster.


Thursday, June 26, 2008

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Logical Proof of the existence of the Flying Spaghetti Monster

1. The definition of God (the Flying Spaghetti Monster as a result) is: a being such that one can not imagine greater.
Even the atheist agrees with this definition. So that the Flying Spaghetti Monster exists at least in thought.

2. Being the biggest must exist in reality.
Indeed, if this being existed only in thought, it would be limited, in other words, it is not the greatest.
But then - by definition of the Flying Spaghetti Monster in point 1 - there is a still larger one, he, would exist in reality.

3. Therefore, the Flying Spaghetti Monster exists in thought and in reality.
And atheists who deny it are fools who do not understand the logic.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

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Parable of bellydancers

was found in a wooden box lying on the 8245 m depth in the Sargasso bay, surrounded by remnants of an ancient building that some scholars have identified as The Pint, a unique document which we entrust you with exclusive content.

An old Pirate Island Turtle had removed during his last foray into a whole harem of beautiful belly dancers compound. And he had three son. He decided to leave half of the harem to his eldest son, a quarter in the second and sixth to third. And what will remain, he decided, it will be part of the Spaghetti Monster Driving. And he died. The three brothers met for the accounts. The father had left eleven bellydancers ...

To eldest son, half of the harem: 11 divided by 2 = 5.5 bellydancers. It's boring!
For the second quarter of the harem: 11 divided by 4 = 2.75 bellydancers. That is unfortunate!
For the third, the sixth of the harem: 11divisé by 6 = 1.83 bellydancers. A real massacre!
The share of the Flying Spaghetti Monster, it was 0.92 bellydancers.

The group of eleven dancers began to fear for its survival!

Three son threatened to kill each other. The wisest of the three brothers decided to go see Blackbeard. The Pirate said: Calm yourself, I have an idea. I have in my personal harem a beautiful belly dancer who is useless, take it, you can always make me . The brother brought that beautiful belly dancer in the family cave. With the other eleven, it had a harem of twelve belly dancers!

We began sharing.

To eldest son, half of the harem: 12 divided by 2 = 6 belly dancers, although whole!
For the second quarter of the harem: 12 divided by 4 = 3 good full belly dancers!
For the third, the sixth of the harem: 12 divided by 6 = 2 belly dancers, with their eight legs and eight arms!

In total, the three brothers had shared: 6 + 3 + 2, it is 11 belly dancers ..

And yes, there remained one of the beautiful belly dancer Blackbeard. Weird, weird!

So they sacrificed on the altar of the Flying Spaghetti Monster, for such was the will of their father.

Verily I say unto you the grace of the Flying Spaghetti Monster, as the belly dancer, arrives ... by surprise, with grace, free, without unexpectedly, without being intended it, without feeling pressured to have decided, moreover when you least expect it. As the belly dancer, she is only passing, grace. It goes in one door and out the other. It is a real draft.

Apparently, it is useless.

And yet, it reconciles the brothers separated and allows the survival of the Pirates, and more, all three brothers, received more than expected.

That Flying Spaghetti Monster inspires you in your turn.


Tuesday, June 24, 2008

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Prepare your holiday!

There are a few weeks, the French Navy has prided itself for having freed the hostages held by some of our Brothers Pirates off the coast of Djibouti. Just look

Since it is likely that some of you go holiday in this sector (which does not spend a week or two to ransom and loot the summer come?), We feel our duty to inform you about enemy forces involved, so you better prepare.

According to the Ministry of Defence, on the device area is composed as follows: •
Helicopter carrier Jeanne d'Arc,
• Frigate Jean Bart,
• Building Supply Command and the Var,
• Aviso Commandant Bouan,
• 9 buildings of the allied nations of the FT 150,
• Marine Commandos based in Djibouti ,
• Unity of command ashore.

Normally, good schooner with a crew of forty men and a few hardy guns should suffice.

You can find this site recommendations for use before going to sea piracy

Glory Flying Spaghetti Monster!

Monday, June 23, 2008

Real Life Complementary Angles

They want to exterminate the Pirates!

The nice pirates arrested by French military villains.

Brothers and sisters, all who have been touched by His Noodle Appendix,

The hour is grave. Everywhere, the enemy hatched plans to eradicate the Pirates of the globe. The French government itself has declared war. Just look

Fortunately, in the page's propaganda against the government piracy, some of our friends from the shadows and acted hijacked the link that led to the aggressive and provocative speech of the Minister. Click on the link, see for yourselves ...
Instead, our friends have made an innocent reference speech François Loos, Minister Delegate for Industry. Ha ha ha!

Make it well around you! Erect-cons you into false discourses that tend to discredit us! Proudly displays the flag of piracy in the conscience!

Pirates will win with the grace of the Flying Spaghetti Monster!


Sunday, June 22, 2008

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The Truth about global warming How

Brothers and sisters,

Like everyone, you have found a warmer climate in recent years. We know because we have faith that this is due to the wrath of the Flying Spaghetti Monster to the dramatic decline in the number of Pirates in the world. We know because we have faith that the Pirates are the elect.

Below the convoluted explanations that scientists atheists try to serve the good people. I'll let you laugh at these ignorant fables. You can share them with your friends to show them that the approach of scientists is really incredible, proving therefore that Truth of the Flying Spaghetti Monster is the only one to be admissible.

Key findings of the fourth scientific report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)

Human activity

Most of the observed increase in average temperature of world since the mid-twentieth century is very likely due to the observed increase in greenhouse gases emitted by man (+ 90% certainty against 66% in 2001).

We note the precaution of very likely , which simply means that scientists admit their incompetence. Scientists do know not, they assume only. Indeed, the only certainties we have about the world come from the Flying Spaghetti Monster.

The observed general warming of the atmosphere and ocean, and the reduction of the mass of ice, support the conclusion that it is extremely unlikely that global climate change of the past 50 years can be explained solely by natural causes.

Again, scientists admit their incompetence. They does not understand that natural causes , as they say, were orchestrated by the Flying Spaghetti Monster. Once you realize that, everything becomes perfectly clear.

emissions past and future CO2 will continue to contribute to global warming and rising sea levels for more than a millennium , because of the lifetime of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.

Bla bla bla ... What is amazing about these people is their ignorance. Everyone knows that if half the people on this planet dressed as a pirate, higher temperatures would cease and it would decrease when all the inhabitants of the world adopt the practices prescribed by the Flying Spaghetti Monster.


Eleven of the last 12 years rank among the 12 warmest years since records are available (1850).

warming has accelerated in recent years: 0.74 degrees hotter in the last 100 years (1906-2005), against 0.6 degrees selected for the 1901-2000 period in the previous report published in 2001.

At the end of the century, temperatures are expected to increase of 1.8 to 4 degrees from 1980-1999. These best estimates are average values, within a wider range of 1.1 to 6.4 degrees (1.4 to 5.8 degrees in the previous report of 2001).

warming tends to reduce the absorption of carbon dioxide (CO2) from land and oceans, further increasing the share of human emissions that remain stationed in the atmosphere.

Ha ha ha! It is obvious that scientists do not understand that they have measured. Well use their methods, since the scientific method is not only to scientists. One can see from the chart above the correlation between rising temperatures and declining number of pirates. This document is striking proof that the fewer pirates, the hotter it gets. The Pastafarianism can also use the tools of science, but it does better than the scientists!


Observations since 1961 show that the average temperature of the global ocean has increased to a depth of 3,000 m and the ocean has absorbed more than 80% of the heat added to the climate system .

The warming of the seawater causes its expansion. The level of oceans could, depending on the scenario, rising from 0.18 m to 0.59 m at the end of the century (from 1980-1999).

An average warming of 1.9 to 4.6 ° C compared to the values of the pre-industrial cause the complete disappearance of ice in Greenland, with a consequent rise in sea level of about 7 meters.

The impact of rising temperatures on the ocean is indirect proof of the existence of the Flying Spaghetti Monster, because everyone knows that pirates sail where? in bathtubs? scientists in the tubes? No! On the oceans, of course!


The greatest warming is expected over land and at high latitudes, and least important should appear in the southern Indian Ocean and parts of the North Atlantic.

The simulations produce a decrease in sea ice in the Arctic and Antarctic for all climate scenarios. For some simulations, the ice disappears almost entirely in the Arctic at the end of the summer in the second part of the 21st century.

Bla bla bla ... It does not matter, since we true believers, will sail on our proud vessels for ransom and loot, so ... But we're not selfish and that our vocation is to reveal the truth to all men of this land, we must at all costs avoid the disappearance of land by increasing our numbers. At the same time, if we were selfish and if we left the sea level rise at vied, there would be nobody to ransom, so ...

Extreme Events

It is very likely that extreme heat, heat waves and heavy events precipitation will continue to become more frequent.

It is "probable that future tropical cyclones (typhoons and hurricanes and) become more intense, with winds up stronger and more intense rainfall.

increases the amounts of precipitation are very likely at high latitudes while decreases are likely in most subtropical land regions (up to about 20% in 2100 for the A1B scenario, the closest projections made by the International Atomic Energy Agency).

It is very likely the thermohaline circulation of the North Atlantic (which includes the Gulf Stream) will slow during the 21st century (- 25% on average according to several models). However, the temperature will continue to increase in the Atlantic region, because of the much larger impact of the greenhouse effect.

And let's go in the likely and probable ... The most curious with these people is their detachment certainties. While with the Flying Spaghetti Monster, nothing is assumed, everything is true, as we showed by the mouth of Bobby Henderson (he is blessed for ever and ever).


I'm sure you've all laughed at the futility of reasoning with two balls of the IPCC scientists atheists. It is time that the credits are awarded to those people used to allow more serious work and more beneficial to humanity, such as making pirate costumes and the construction of proud vessels. It is our responsibility to everyone to write to our MP, our senator, our general counsel or regional, in order to enforce the immediate urgency of the situation. It's the survival of humanity!

All efforts should be concentrated for Pastafarianism has the means to reverse the trend of global warming. We are the only power! Unite! Strengthens us!


Saturday, June 21, 2008

Back Molar Root Decay

destabilize the evolutionists?

In this portrait, we see Darwin try to close the left eye and attempt to adopt the sinister air pirates, but that is no mistake. His many attempts to try to become Pastafari have all ended in bitter failure, thanks to the vigilance of our brothers and sisters.

First, we must realize that Darwin and his minions want false have a monopoly on science. This type of empowerment is quite typical of evolutionists. On the opposite side of Truth, we Pastafari émesvéristes are convinced that true science can and must do without any materialist approach in his investigations. What matters in research in general and science in particular, is the quest for meaning . Indeed, only a spiritual approach is able to give meaning to existence as opposed to the dryness of the materialist conception of the world that seek to impose scientists in their fall spotted in front of a long succession chess.

The shadows reveal the impotence of scientism

Whether through quantum mechanics and cosmology, everyone realizes that, ultimately, the shadows and contradictory statements abound in responses scientific materialists. Consequently, only metaphysics and spirituality can bridge these gaps and deficiencies in a true scientific approach, that is to say, a scientific approach in search of meaning.
bet that science and search for meaning in the future occupy the majority of research universities, when our rulers will be returned to the evidence that the materialistic scientism solves nothing for humanity.

Scientists so far have merely to outbid in the destruction of man and the planet. Who invented the neutron bomb, defoliants, vaccines killers, plastic bags, which disfigure our countryside and suffocate the dolphins and our children? Scientists ... Who invented the microbes, pollution, viruses, bacteria, or as many plagues that nobody knew before them? Scientists
... Of course, some strong-minded and ignorant will retort that they are also scientists who invented the drugs ... Big deal ... If they had not invented the microbes, there would not need drugs! Whether

said once and for all. Scientists are dangerous people and should leave science to those in search of meaning, that is to say we, Pastafari.

How ridiculing scientists?

Our strategy should be organized along two directions:
1. We must affirm that scientific and religious exhibit similar behavior and that our methodologies are not very distinct;
2. We must prove that the unknowns on the intrinsic nature of matter discredit any approach materialistic world knowledge.

It therefore seeks first to deny the fundamental incompatibility between science and religion by placing them on equal levels of thought and then it sabotages this is what contemporary science. Niark! Niark!

1. Deny the incompatibility between science and religion

Clearly therefore it is considered that the universe is understandable and it obeys universal laws, it is an act of faith, whether one is religious or scientist. It's the same confidence that scientists attach to specialized colleagues working in areas where they are not themselves specialists. They only believe what they said, they are not competent to criticize.

In fact, science and religion are two complementary ways of approaching the same reality, or more exactly the same description of reality. Reality as such is not accessible, let alone consider its image. Scientists are not being developed models whose merits are not accessing the real but, more modestly, to describe it. From there, the spiritual takes over and fills the void left by scientists, caring sense.

Finally, the law of gravitation of Newton and parables found in religious texts are similar: they manage to make available the real, describing in a manner comprehensible to everyone. It's the same for the interdependence and impermanence. But while science can not go further than the description, the spiritual dares ask the question: Why Is that so? Being the only way to respond, through the teachings of the Flying Spaghetti Monster, she is the only approach capable of understanding the world as a whole physical and metaphysical.

We can conclude from this first approach that the similarity of human behavior as the methodologies used to place science and spirituality at least the same level of validity and respectability. Therefore, believers are quite capable of adopting a scientific approach, having acquired through their religious practice a requirement level comparable to that required of scientists.

2. Undermine the foundations of contemporary science

As the relation of mind to matter is complex, it is illogical to assume that the mind is the product of matter as it shapes it by describing it. This argument is based on the scientific approach to particle physics, which warns about the inevitable interaction between the observer and the observed object.

To use all the tools of human intelligence, it would allow subjectivity to take its place in scientific work. Rationality would have everything to gain. Thus, the integration of a theological reflection in the scientific approach - reflecting, for example, the role of the divine in the emergence of the cosmos - could enrich the scientific method.

In this sense, cosmology carries a lot of news in this area. It could provide an answer to the anthropic principle, namely:
The existence of human life it is the product of chance (with the demanding need for the physical constants have exactly the values they have) or it obeys a plan that could then be described as divine ?

We see science is incomplete until it has integrated its metaphysical approaches.

Friday, June 20, 2008

Iphone 3 Cases Of Fox

Relations Invisible Pink Unicorn

A zealous fervent worship of the Invisible Pink Unicorn writes:
I know that some misunderstandings between our two faiths, so I asked this question a follower of the Unicorn Invisible Pink Can suggest a recipe so that your followers are less fortunate, less cooks can make all the same feast and communion from the simple (but good) way with The Holy Noodle?

Our response

Delicious meat follower of paganism,

It was proposed long ago a syncretic combination of our two religions on the occasion of communion in the form of pasta pink. This ecumenism of good quality seemed quite appropriate, our religions are all love.

However, if some of our fans who like pasta with salmon, the most radical of them do not undertake to recognize false gods in their canonical practice. Recall here that the communion is the manifestation of the direct relationship between our Creator and his creatures and can not therefore be any place in this sacramental union to mythology, she was as graceful and fragrant as the Invisible Pink Unicorn of.

Nevertheless, the worship of the Invisible Pink Unicorn is, among all other monotheistic mythologies, which would be closest to the true religion, namely that of the Flying Spaghetti Monster (the noodles gently caress you Pâtafiolles forehead) . Therefore, one can envisage a common sharing of the Holy paste between followers of both faiths, if it is not intended to devote a disguised way to worship Imperceptible pinkness rampant.

same time, the intake of roses oblige pasta nothing to the Unicorn follower of the Invisible Pink (gays its hooves resonate in your heart) to a cult that is not hers. Indeed, the Flying Spaghetti Monster invites everyone to conversion in his secret soul, not by forcing it through violence or cunning, like other religions unscrupulous, but making him the truth shining through the example set by his followers of their qualities, including clothing.

Therefore, once these recommendations considered by the followers of both faiths, we can actually consider sharing food together in the form of spaghetti roses. If repetition

formula brought the commensals to share more than just a noodle dish, the question arises of faith in which the fruit of their love would be awake. But here is another question doctrine.

dough is with you!