Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Hot Village Women Boobs

2008 Gold Medal for geneticist Jean Weissenbach

According Libe :

2008 Gold Medal of the CNRS was awarded the geneticist Jean Weissenbach, the source of the first human genetic map with high resolution. This board, established in 1996, is a reference tool that has uncovered hundreds of genes associated with genetic diseases, and to develop screening tests.

Weissenbach, 62, also participated in the project to sequence the human genome (Genoscope, he directs since 1997, was responsible for the sequencing of chromosome 14) and has developed techniques of exploratory genome of model organisms, such as those of the fly Drosophila (fly or vinegar) and rice.

At the request of the Institut Pasteur, Weissenbach sequenced Anopheles, the mosquito that causes malaria. He has also sequenced the vine, for the National Institute of Agronomic Research (INRA), the idea of creating vine varieties resistant to pathogens and reduce pesticide use.
He said that the human genome in 2000 to 30,000 genes (one speaks today of 25,000), instead of the 100,000 previously supposed.

And that's where we burst out laughing. This so-called science has been rewarded for ridiculing of a sudden one all his colleagues who said nonsense for years with their history of 100 000 genes in the genome (why not 200,000 or a million ...).
How can we trust the scientists, whose sweeping assertions dealt out to protect their white blouses with stiff air of those who think themselves superior to uneducated journalists who take their word for blessed bread are a few months later refuted by other scientists more starchy than the previous?

Fortunately, with the Flying Spaghetti Monster, we avoid doing evil and believe themselves superior to the rest of the world. We, the Pastafari, are the elect, that's all. And we just do not care genome y su cuñado Bartolo. We know everything there is to know about the Creation and Paradise and our version has not changed one iota since the revelation. For the rest, the Flying Spaghetti Monster will provide.


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