In this portrait, we see Darwin try to close the left eye and attempt to adopt the sinister air pirates, but that is no mistake. His many attempts to try to become Pastafari have all ended in bitter failure, thanks to the vigilance of our brothers and sisters.
First, we must realize that Darwin and his minions want false have a monopoly on science. This type of empowerment is quite typical of evolutionists. On the opposite side of Truth, we Pastafari émesvéristes are convinced that true science can and must do without any materialist approach in his investigations. What matters in research in general and science in particular, is the quest for meaning . Indeed, only a spiritual approach is able to give meaning to existence as opposed to the dryness of the materialist conception of the world that seek to impose scientists in their fall spotted in front of a long succession chess.
The shadows reveal the impotence of scientism
Whether through quantum mechanics and cosmology, everyone realizes that, ultimately, the shadows and contradictory statements abound in responses scientific materialists. Consequently, only metaphysics and spirituality can bridge these gaps and deficiencies in a true scientific approach, that is to say, a scientific approach in search of meaning.
bet that science and search for meaning in the future occupy the majority of research universities, when our rulers will be returned to the evidence that the materialistic scientism solves nothing for humanity.
Scientists so far have merely to outbid in the destruction of man and the planet. Who invented the neutron bomb, defoliants, vaccines killers, plastic bags, which disfigure our countryside and suffocate the dolphins and our children? Scientists ... Who invented the microbes, pollution, viruses, bacteria, or as many plagues that nobody knew before them? Scientists
... Of course, some strong-minded and ignorant will retort that they are also scientists who invented the drugs ... Big deal ... If they had not invented the microbes, there would not need drugs! Whether
said once and for all. Scientists are dangerous people and should leave science to those in search of meaning, that is to say we, Pastafari.
How ridiculing scientists?
Our strategy should be organized along two directions:
1. We must affirm that scientific and religious exhibit similar behavior and that our methodologies are not very distinct;
2. We must prove that the unknowns on the intrinsic nature of matter discredit any approach materialistic world knowledge.
It therefore seeks first to deny the fundamental incompatibility between science and religion by placing them on equal levels of thought and then it sabotages this is what contemporary science. Niark! Niark!
1. Deny the incompatibility between science and religion
Clearly therefore it is considered that the universe is understandable and it obeys universal laws, it is an act of faith, whether one is religious or scientist. It's the same confidence that scientists attach to specialized colleagues working in areas where they are not themselves specialists. They only believe what they said, they are not competent to criticize.
In fact, science and religion are two complementary ways of approaching the same reality, or more exactly the same description of reality. Reality as such is not accessible, let alone consider its image. Scientists are not being developed models whose merits are not accessing the real but, more modestly, to describe it. From there, the spiritual takes over and fills the void left by scientists, caring sense.
Finally, the law of gravitation of Newton and parables found in religious texts are similar: they manage to make available the real, describing in a manner comprehensible to everyone. It's the same for the interdependence and impermanence. But while science can not go further than the description, the spiritual dares ask the question: Why Is that so? Being the only way to respond, through the teachings of the Flying Spaghetti Monster, she is the only approach capable of understanding the world as a whole physical and metaphysical.
We can conclude from this first approach that the similarity of human behavior as the methodologies used to place science and spirituality at least the same level of validity and respectability. Therefore, believers are quite capable of adopting a scientific approach, having acquired through their religious practice a requirement level comparable to that required of scientists.
2. Undermine the foundations of contemporary science
As the relation of mind to matter is complex, it is illogical to assume that the mind is the product of matter as it shapes it by describing it. This argument is based on the scientific approach to particle physics, which warns about the inevitable interaction between the observer and the observed object.
To use all the tools of human intelligence, it would allow subjectivity to take its place in scientific work. Rationality would have everything to gain. Thus, the integration of a theological reflection in the scientific approach - reflecting, for example, the role of the divine in the emergence of the cosmos - could enrich the scientific method.
In this sense, cosmology carries a lot of news in this area. It could provide an answer to the anthropic principle, namely:
The existence of human life it is the product of chance (with the demanding need for the physical constants have exactly the values they have) or it obeys a plan that could then be described as divine ?
We see science is incomplete until it has integrated its metaphysical approaches.
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