1. The Flying Spaghetti Monster, first unmoved mover
Proof of the existence of the Flying Spaghetti Monster can be obtained by five lanes. The first and most obvious is that part of the movement. Obviously, our senses attest, that in this world things move. However, everything that moves is moved by another. Indeed, nothing moves only if it is power compared to what the movement itself provides. Rather, what moves does that so it is in act, for moving is to move from potency to act, and nothing can be brought to act otherwise than by being in act, as currently a hot body, such as fire, makes wood hot now formerly hot power, and so the moves and alters it. However, it is not possible that the same be considered in the same report, is both in act or power, he can do that in various relationships: for example, which is actually hot can not be at the same time potentially hot, but it is at the same time, cold power. It is therefore impossible that in the same respect and the same way something is both moving and moved, that is to say that he meuve itself. So if something moves, we must say that it is driven by another. What if, then, the thing that moves is moved in turn, must turn it to be moved by another, and this by yet another. But we can not proceed to infinity, because then there would be no first mover, and it would follow that there would be no other engines, because engines second only that move according to whether they are driven by the motor first, as does the stick that moves handled by hand. So it is necessary to reach a prime mover which is itself driven by any other, and such a being, everyone recognizes the Flying Spaghetti Monster.
2. The Flying Spaghetti Monster is the first efficient cause
The second way refers to the notion of efficient cause. We note, observing sensible things, it is an order, among efficient causes, but what is not and is not possible, one thing is the efficient cause of it himself, which imply the preceding itself, which is impossible. But it is not possible that goes to infinity in efficient causes, for, among all the efficient causes in series, the first is due to intermediate and intermediate causes of the last term, in any number of intermediaries that if they are large or that there is only one. On the other hand, remove the cause, you also delete the effect. So, if there is no first in the order of efficient causes, there will be no last or intermediary. Now go to infinity in efficient causes, it would delete the first and, accordingly, there would be no effect this year, or through efficient cause, which is obviously false. It must necessarily assume some first efficient cause, as everyone calls the Flying Spaghetti Monster.
3. The Flying Spaghetti Monster is necessary in itself, is the first necessity
The third way is possible and necessary, and it is such. Among the things we find that can be and not to be: the proof is that some things engender and corrupt, and therefore are and are not. But it is impossible that everything is of such nature, for what may not be, at one time or another is not. If so everything can not be, at any given time there was nothing in things. Now if this were so, even now nothing would be, for what is not begins to be by something that is. If so then no being was, there was no impossibility that was beginning to be, and so today there would be nothing, what is seen to be false. Thus, all beings are not only possible, and there is necessary in things. Now all that is necessary, or derives its need elsewhere or not. And it is not possible to go to infinity in the series who needed a cause of their necessity, nor that it is when it comes to efficient causes as has been proved. We are therefore obliged to assume something which is necessary for yourself, not taking for the cause of its necessity, but providing their cause need for other measures.
4. The Flying Spaghetti Monster is the perfect model
The fourth channel carries degrees in things you notice. It can be seen in the things of more or less good, the more or less true, more or less noble, and so of similar attributes. But the more and less are predicated of different things in different ways depending on whether these things are akin to that which carries the maximum, for example, we say what is hotter closer to the maximum heat. So there is something that is supremely true, supremely good, supremely noble, and therefore also be sovereign, because, as Aristotle shows in the Metaphysics, which is sovereign in truth is as sovereign as to be. On the other hand, they say such a sovereign, in any genre, is the cause of all cases of this kind, like fire, warm up is because of the heat of everything else, as stated the same book. So there is something for all beings, because of being, goodness and perfection. That is what we call Flying Spaghetti Monster .
5. The Flying Spaghetti Monster is the intelligent guide to all things
Finally, the fifth way back to the Flying Spaghetti Monster by the government of things. We see that things are deprived of knowledge as natural bodies act to an end, which is shown by this we always, or most often, they act the same way so as to achieve the best: of apert where it is not by chance, but under a determined they reach their end. However, what is private knowledge can tender for a purpose to be headed by a knowing and intelligent, as the arrow by the archer. So there are some intelligent being, by which all natural things are directed towards an end and this being we call it the Flying Spaghetti Monster.
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