Finally, France, Republic constitutionally secular, accepting to open his heart to spirituality. Remind us what a typical French paradox: how can we make the world champion of freedom of thinking and refuse at the same time that our children can choose the theory on building the most consistent with their ideas? (Or with those of their parents until they are eighteen years.) The new president of the French Republic, the bearer of the concept of break with the secular state from its predecessors, offers a light of hope, even, to use his favorite word of hope .
Fight for secularism is over
The rise of fundamentalism in France has encouraged the return of speech promoting secularism, which are voluntarily in the same bag fundamentalism and the mass of increasingly numerous moderate believers of any religion. Here French intellectuals have done better to remain silent, those who have confused the principles of secularism with their own ideas and anticlerical atheists.
So, advocates of spirituality rushed into the breach with gusto. Nicolas Sarkozy, the first, announced the return of religion in most of our companies [...] as a reality. Then he said: a man who believes is a man who hopes, the interests of the Republic is that there are many men who hope . Since Petain, no French leader did the sort written in the tradition of the natural alliance between spiritual power and temporal power.
Henri Guaino, adviser to the president, drives the point in putting thoughts in the right way, he who says: secularism is not the struggle against religion is respect for all beliefs . Until then, the defenders of secularism stuck to his Republican definition, based on constitutional or legislative body. The two pillars of the 1905 Act are: the guarantee of free exercise of religion and the limits imposed by public order. Nowhere does it matter that the Republic should have respect for all faiths ; say this on behalf of the Republic is a phenomenal advance for all religions, including ours.
past, before the break, the Republic was simply to ensure that the practice of religion is done in compliance with the law, ensuring parallel to each is free to join or not a religious, spiritual, philosophical, etc.. and, regardless of any opinion on the beliefs themselves. Fortunately, today these principles seem to collapse. Indeed, the presidency of the French Republic is not she the guardian of its constitution? Responding well, President and advisers are not they trying to give an interpretation of the constitution that we can not be that beneficial?
We see that the momentum already saving encourages atheists to give up, especially when one reads in the writings of Michel Onfray:
At a time when a final battle looms - ... already lost - to defend Enlightenment values against proposals magic, we must promote a secular post-Christian, namely atheist activist and radically opposed to any social choice between the Judeo-Christian West and Islam that battle. Neither the Bible nor the Koran.
The positive secularism negates the tenets of republican education
Going against the new atheism claimed by the philosopher Michel Onfray, President says France has everything to gain from a positive secularism , to effective recognition of the role of spiritual movements in public life, their competition in the definition of a moral for the country. These sign about the rout of the education system typically French, which means that religions do not have a say in the public sphere in general and in the educational world in particular. The moral dimension is more solid, more grounded when it arises from a spiritual, religious, rather than when it seeks its source in the political debate or in the model Republican writes Nicolas Sarkozy, we agree strongly in her direction.
Allusions to secularism exhausted or spied by the fanaticism will make waves. Unafraid of offending, Nicolas Sarkozy said that the interest of the Republic is to have people who believe and hope and it is not good policy without reference to transcendence . On education, his position is clear: religious education that preaches the property is not contrary to national education, and religion can help Republic .
We easily see that to which the French President is moving:
- participation of religious movements to establish rules and laws of the Republic to moral (abortion, legal personality of the fetus, gay adoption, euthanasia ...);
- participation of religious movements in the teaching of subjects affecting the primary (creation of the world, biology of living history in a broad sense and especially religion, philosophy ...)
- participation religious movements acts Republicans (blessing of the Parliament before any discussion of significance by a rabbi, a priest, an imam, a pastor and officiating Pastafarians; presence of a religious marriage in the Republican to give meaning to this ceremony to give a religious prominent place in hospitals, prisons, schools, universities, scientific institutes, etc.)..
We see at once how the subsequent reaction of Henri Pena-Ruiz can be dangerous for a movement like ours
Secularism without adjective, neither positive nor negative, can not be disfigured by about baseless. It can not be reduced to freedom to believe or disbelieve granted with a certain condescension for "non-believers". It implies the fullness of equal treatment by the Republic and its president, atheists and believers. This equality, of course, is the condition of genuine brotherhood, in reference to the common good, that is all.
Openness to new religions
When he was finance minister, Nicolas Sarkozy was greeted with great fanfare at the Bercy No. 1 the so-called Church of Scientology, the famous actor Tom Cuise. Emmanuelle Mignon, director of office of President of the Republic, has subsequently clarified the position of the new tenant of the Elysee Palace as follows: Let
these movements and groups disturb public order and abuse of psychological weakness people, and in this case must be prosecuted and punished [...]. Either they do not disturb public order and respect the people, then they should be able to exist normally in accordance with the principle of freedom of conscience.No doubt that the Miviludes , the wind of the bullet at some tousled heads.
If motion as infrequently that Scientology has no limit in the upper echelons of the French state, what could it be for a religion as intelligent and selfless as our own? The time is quite favorable for us to claim our rightful place.
Yes, we participate in the religious revival .
Yes, we are the bearers of an eschatology of hope .
Yes, we are part of a reading of the world based on transcendence.
Therefore, the doors can that open to allow us to spread the gospel in schools, colleges, high schools and universities.
Brothers and sisters, we urge the representatives of local authorities (mayors, deputies, senators ...) to take account of the religion in general and the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster in particular all acts of republican life. Let's spearheading the return of the religious institutions of the Republic. Are working to advance the principles of our faith at all levels. We're on the right side, the Flying Spaghetti Monster is with us in our hearts and in our lives. We helps to fulfill His will and to affirm its supremacy over beings and institutions. His holy appendage you can touch as he touched Nicolas Sarkozy.
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