A zealous fervent worship of the Invisible Pink Unicorn writes:
I know that some misunderstandings between our two faiths, so I asked this question a follower of the Unicorn Invisible Pink Can suggest a recipe so that your followers are less fortunate, less cooks can make all the same feast and communion from the simple (but good) way with The Holy Noodle?
Our response
Delicious meat follower of paganism,
It was proposed long ago a syncretic combination of our two religions on the occasion of communion in the form of pasta pink. This ecumenism of good quality seemed quite appropriate, our religions are all love.
However, if some of our fans who like pasta with salmon, the most radical of them do not undertake to recognize false gods in their canonical practice. Recall here that the communion is the manifestation of the direct relationship between our Creator and his creatures and can not therefore be any place in this sacramental union to mythology, she was as graceful and fragrant as the Invisible Pink Unicorn of.
Nevertheless, the worship of the Invisible Pink Unicorn is, among all other monotheistic mythologies, which would be closest to the true religion, namely that of the Flying Spaghetti Monster (the noodles gently caress you Pâtafiolles forehead) . Therefore, one can envisage a common sharing of the Holy paste between followers of both faiths, if it is not intended to devote a disguised way to worship Imperceptible pinkness rampant.
same time, the intake of roses oblige pasta nothing to the Unicorn follower of the Invisible Pink (gays its hooves resonate in your heart) to a cult that is not hers. Indeed, the Flying Spaghetti Monster invites everyone to conversion in his secret soul, not by forcing it through violence or cunning, like other religions unscrupulous, but making him the truth shining through the example set by his followers of their qualities, including clothing.
Therefore, once these recommendations considered by the followers of both faiths, we can actually consider sharing food together in the form of spaghetti roses. If repetition
formula brought the commensals to share more than just a noodle dish, the question arises of faith in which the fruit of their love would be awake. But here is another question doctrine.
dough is with you!
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