Sunday, June 22, 2008

Nascar Paint Templates

The Truth about global warming How

Brothers and sisters,

Like everyone, you have found a warmer climate in recent years. We know because we have faith that this is due to the wrath of the Flying Spaghetti Monster to the dramatic decline in the number of Pirates in the world. We know because we have faith that the Pirates are the elect.

Below the convoluted explanations that scientists atheists try to serve the good people. I'll let you laugh at these ignorant fables. You can share them with your friends to show them that the approach of scientists is really incredible, proving therefore that Truth of the Flying Spaghetti Monster is the only one to be admissible.

Key findings of the fourth scientific report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)

Human activity

Most of the observed increase in average temperature of world since the mid-twentieth century is very likely due to the observed increase in greenhouse gases emitted by man (+ 90% certainty against 66% in 2001).

We note the precaution of very likely , which simply means that scientists admit their incompetence. Scientists do know not, they assume only. Indeed, the only certainties we have about the world come from the Flying Spaghetti Monster.

The observed general warming of the atmosphere and ocean, and the reduction of the mass of ice, support the conclusion that it is extremely unlikely that global climate change of the past 50 years can be explained solely by natural causes.

Again, scientists admit their incompetence. They does not understand that natural causes , as they say, were orchestrated by the Flying Spaghetti Monster. Once you realize that, everything becomes perfectly clear.

emissions past and future CO2 will continue to contribute to global warming and rising sea levels for more than a millennium , because of the lifetime of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.

Bla bla bla ... What is amazing about these people is their ignorance. Everyone knows that if half the people on this planet dressed as a pirate, higher temperatures would cease and it would decrease when all the inhabitants of the world adopt the practices prescribed by the Flying Spaghetti Monster.


Eleven of the last 12 years rank among the 12 warmest years since records are available (1850).

warming has accelerated in recent years: 0.74 degrees hotter in the last 100 years (1906-2005), against 0.6 degrees selected for the 1901-2000 period in the previous report published in 2001.

At the end of the century, temperatures are expected to increase of 1.8 to 4 degrees from 1980-1999. These best estimates are average values, within a wider range of 1.1 to 6.4 degrees (1.4 to 5.8 degrees in the previous report of 2001).

warming tends to reduce the absorption of carbon dioxide (CO2) from land and oceans, further increasing the share of human emissions that remain stationed in the atmosphere.

Ha ha ha! It is obvious that scientists do not understand that they have measured. Well use their methods, since the scientific method is not only to scientists. One can see from the chart above the correlation between rising temperatures and declining number of pirates. This document is striking proof that the fewer pirates, the hotter it gets. The Pastafarianism can also use the tools of science, but it does better than the scientists!


Observations since 1961 show that the average temperature of the global ocean has increased to a depth of 3,000 m and the ocean has absorbed more than 80% of the heat added to the climate system .

The warming of the seawater causes its expansion. The level of oceans could, depending on the scenario, rising from 0.18 m to 0.59 m at the end of the century (from 1980-1999).

An average warming of 1.9 to 4.6 ° C compared to the values of the pre-industrial cause the complete disappearance of ice in Greenland, with a consequent rise in sea level of about 7 meters.

The impact of rising temperatures on the ocean is indirect proof of the existence of the Flying Spaghetti Monster, because everyone knows that pirates sail where? in bathtubs? scientists in the tubes? No! On the oceans, of course!


The greatest warming is expected over land and at high latitudes, and least important should appear in the southern Indian Ocean and parts of the North Atlantic.

The simulations produce a decrease in sea ice in the Arctic and Antarctic for all climate scenarios. For some simulations, the ice disappears almost entirely in the Arctic at the end of the summer in the second part of the 21st century.

Bla bla bla ... It does not matter, since we true believers, will sail on our proud vessels for ransom and loot, so ... But we're not selfish and that our vocation is to reveal the truth to all men of this land, we must at all costs avoid the disappearance of land by increasing our numbers. At the same time, if we were selfish and if we left the sea level rise at vied, there would be nobody to ransom, so ...

Extreme Events

It is very likely that extreme heat, heat waves and heavy events precipitation will continue to become more frequent.

It is "probable that future tropical cyclones (typhoons and hurricanes and) become more intense, with winds up stronger and more intense rainfall.

increases the amounts of precipitation are very likely at high latitudes while decreases are likely in most subtropical land regions (up to about 20% in 2100 for the A1B scenario, the closest projections made by the International Atomic Energy Agency).

It is very likely the thermohaline circulation of the North Atlantic (which includes the Gulf Stream) will slow during the 21st century (- 25% on average according to several models). However, the temperature will continue to increase in the Atlantic region, because of the much larger impact of the greenhouse effect.

And let's go in the likely and probable ... The most curious with these people is their detachment certainties. While with the Flying Spaghetti Monster, nothing is assumed, everything is true, as we showed by the mouth of Bobby Henderson (he is blessed for ever and ever).


I'm sure you've all laughed at the futility of reasoning with two balls of the IPCC scientists atheists. It is time that the credits are awarded to those people used to allow more serious work and more beneficial to humanity, such as making pirate costumes and the construction of proud vessels. It is our responsibility to everyone to write to our MP, our senator, our general counsel or regional, in order to enforce the immediate urgency of the situation. It's the survival of humanity!

All efforts should be concentrated for Pastafarianism has the means to reverse the trend of global warming. We are the only power! Unite! Strengthens us!



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