Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Vip Suitcase Change Combination

Picky eaters and standardization

GENERATION "difficult" children? It accuses
Today more children from being "bad" when they manifest deviant behavior. We talk more often "difficult" children. It is not a day goes by without a parent or a teacher asks what he can do to help these children, "difficult" to behave "normal".
agendas of psychologists filled. Physicians are asked to provide aid and sometimes solutions.
Yet children do not go around the corner. They are often well dressed. They get much toys. They eat their fill. They have nice sports facilities to spend Wednesday. But all this does not seem sufficient to solve the problem behaviors of children "difficult".
The report that the child has with society is certainly complex. The school holds an important place in the life of the child. And family structures now offer many different models. The analysis of the phenomenon of "difficult" children is complex. This may be the subject of this article.
can see a definite interest for books on education. Many of these books are often interesting. They can improve communication and relationships between parents and children. But deviant behavior often remain ... and normalization seems to be a goal to which it is best not to think ... So where is the gap? What we lack there to support the harmonious development of the child? The psyche of the child be permanently tainted by a chaotic energy?

goals that everyone agrees to education depend on the vision we had made the man and his development. The definitions of standardization may vary infinitely. For a scientific definition, we must start from experience. By observing children whose defects had disappeared classics (anger, seem, dispersion, insolence, disorder, trouble, etc.) that Maria Montessori was extracted behavioral and psychological characteristics of the child standard.

In his day, Maria Montessori made the following assessment in a lecture titled "Children at work" given December 11, 1936: " However, in families and in other schools, we had to try every way correct them: in vain. And there was a time when our schools were filled with these difficult children. How many mothers have tried to correct their children by severity; others, by gentleness and patience. Yet everything was ineffective. We did not touch the crucial point. In fact, treated by violence, the child relapsed and, often, increased softness whims. It was really impressive to see that in one condition, the healing occurs: when the child came into relationship with reality and begins to act by itself, and this, in one form: the work and application. (...) It is interesting to note that all defects disappear with normalization .

When Maria Montessori speaks of relationship to reality must be understood that normalization occurs when the child can develop in an environment that allows him to meet all its needs psychic. The flowering occurs invariably when the child can draw from the environment what it needs to build the man he is becoming . Maria Montessori, all defects that are generally attributed to the children disappear by the concentrated work. This is the kind of work that is done using special equipment, which specifically addresses the different stages of sensory and mental development of children. Supported by a material that is passionate about, the child finds in contact with the rest of the work inside that allows it to direct all its energies.
The "difficult" children are not inevitable. Towards standardization is open to them. However, they are familiar with the different stages of child development and to provide a suitable environment that allows it to freely feed their deepest aspirations. Discipline and inner peace are the fruits that the psychological child can collect on contact with an environment suited to their needs.
One of the most famous biographer and disciple of Maria Montessori, EM Standing, and summarizes the characteristics of the child standard: love of work, intense concentration and spontaneous ability to choose, discipline, sense of initiative, personal work, joy and love of others .

This is certainly one of the great discoveries of Maria Montessori. This gave her a huge surprise to see that releasing the energy of children in a friendly environment, all of their major flaws disappear. However, Maria Montessori began working with "difficult" children. His discovery is fundamental. Before you can experience the homogeneous development of the child, she first observed child deviant, by redirecting their energies, have found the path to normality . His testimony is therefore essential to measure the full extent of his pedagogy.

In a lecture given in London in 1946 entitled " Concentration and educator " it gives us the key to standardization. Thanks to the concentration that the child reaches the normalization . By experimenting with this psychic force the child is perfectly satisfied. His calmness arises suddenly. His ability to work becomes regular and powerful. His relationship with the environment is benign. " Normality is in an environment that allows its natural development . Its discovery will then give any direction to define s pedagogy and praxis of the teacher. " The work of the educator is to lead children to standardization via the concentration ... The teacher has two tasks: bringing children to the concentration and assist their development. The aid most important adults can make to the child of three years is the non-intervention. The intervention hinders concentration and activity. But do not apply this rule as children always wear the weight of their deviation .

This point is fundamental. The current social context is certainly different from that known Maria Montessori. But children remain the same. And normality is inscribed in nature. We just help them discover it. Kids today live in circumstances very different from each other. To accompany the return to normality, he n 'There is certainly no one possible method. In his time Maria Montessori recommended not punish or scold children deviant because it does not remove these evil roots. She insisted that these children can deal with an activity that really interests them and lead them to concentration. For this, the educator must be able to recognize it. For it would signal a possible return to normal and . " Early studies of biology one must observe things under a microscope, but as long as the eyes have not worked hard enough, they can not recognize anything. So must also be exercised eyes educator. It must develop a sensitivity to be able to recognize this phenomenon when it occurs fugitive .

Once the teacher has noticed this phenomenon of concentration in children, it will be much easier to propose activities that will intensify gradually. This undoubtedly will require patience and time. It is likely that today's schools can not solve this problem. It is therefore necessary children can learn at home this tremendous ability who will lead toward normalization. Depending deviations, more or less time will be needed. But without the development of this psychic ability, the child will always be in difficulty. I also find it reassuring and insightful when relativized competitive and aggressive behavior of children unstandardized " Although competitions are necessary at this stage, do not be afraid to need. All this adds nothing as that children are more deviant, while it changes itself occurs when the concentration .

Having had the opportunity to work with children unstandardized, I can only confirm the experience of Maria Montessori. Signal a fundamental change, is concentration. And his absence is now one of the obstacles to healthy development of children. There is only one line of thought. Because there is no uniform solution to help children "difficult". But it is important to ensure that the objective in order to accompany them as possible.


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