Maria Montessori is best known for his educational work. His proposal to transform the education system in order to serve the development of children is fairly well distributed. His work does not yet reduced to this. On numerous occasions Maria Montessori spoke about the moment of birth and on the importance of the early years of life . In this area we can even say it is a precursor. Michel Odent, in one of his books, "Well-born," admits that the attention she has brought the first moments of life make it the predecessor Frederick Leboyer author of famous book "For a birth without violence" .
The blog "In the Land of Childhood" was born from the idea that human development follows a continuum that is important to follow each stage of life. in accordance with the laws of human growth adult offers the child the best conditions for development. By opening this blog, I wrote an article on the book of John Liedloff entitled "The continuum . This little article aimed to show the direction we seek to follow in the birth rate. I then had the intuition that the Montessori method and knowledge related to human continuum would benefit from dialogue together.
Maria Montessori is undoubtedly a pioneer education . Maria Montessori also laid the groundwork for a reflection on birth and perinatal physiology. But when wearing a broad overview of all of his work, it appears to be the first to develop a theory experimental Human Continuum. At the heart of this thought is the wonderful concept of spiritual embryo . His mind will still take many years to be absorbed. She also asked for the deepening field of knowledge which she was interested have the dimensions of the cosmos. But his work is actually much more than a significant advance in pedagogy. It is a fundamental basis for considering human development in all its potential .
can see through this passage how the dynamics of the human continuum guide all the research of Maria Montessori. For her, there is evidence that education begins where life originated ...
not interested only in children of school age, but by spending hours watching infants, Maria Montessori brought to light the psychological basis physiological actions surrounding the newborn. In this book, whose title clearly suggests the idea of human continuum, she devotes an entire chapter to the issue of porting and the breastfeeding. What makes the originality of his thought in this area is that part of his reflection in the total development human being. Porting of physiological basis. But it is also part of global development.
" A logical conclusion is obvious: if the child, from birth, must create by tapping into its environment, it must be put in contact with the world, with the outer life of men. it is rather that it participates or assists in the lives of adults . (...) If it rests with him adapting to the environment, he must participate in public life or control of the customs that characterize his people. What a strange conclusion! If the child is locked in child care, withdrawn from social life, it will be suppressed, reduced, distorted and ultimately will be abnormal, unable to adapt, because he has subtracted the means that are necessary to fulfill its major function . (...). Today, while training for the children as hygiene care and that we care about their rest at the point of condemning them to sleep almost constantly, one sees increasing numbers of children or young tough , delayed, devoid of personality and courage, expressed poorly, hesitant, interrupted, or stutter, you see more and more children suffering from mental disorders that paralyze their social life. Yet even before the evidence of this sad spectacle, the proposal to increase contact between the child and the adults leave perplexed. Everyone would say: "Certainly the situation is not healthy, but your proposal is absurd .
The previous passage lays the foundations for a reflection on the port. Far from locking in a simple physiological reading, she enrolled in a comprehensive vision that is already in the child's relation to society. It shows that everything is now called the mothering proximal must be understood in the logical succession of sensitive periods that will allow the child to gradually adapt to its environment. Leaving aside the psychological and social function of the portage, we might miss the target.
"Look at what's happening in the crowd on the market of an African village, for example, where there are animals and all kinds of items, fruit and fabrics and people discuss their business. We see the infant, child embryonic watching many things with a strange fixity ; i look at the environment in its different aspects, while mother stops to shop and talk with people. The world, the environment as a whole, beyond the mother but not the child . "What a great understanding of the mental function of the portage!
About Breastfeeding she notes that in primitive tribes it lasts "l ong , more than a year, sometimes even up to two years. Throughout this important period of life, the child conquer his environment . In reality, the child's body does not really need the milk of its mother for a long period, breastfeeding is no longer necessary, but the mother Guided by an instinct of love, does not separate the child and continues to wear, despite its weight has increased well. "It is the maternal instinct must feel when the child is ready to move permanently to another food that is a sign of growth unforced independence. But it is the milk which is the first vector of the love that the child receives his mother.
"These testimonies natural should certainly not be considered revolutionary. But we look with admiration and have a tendency to attribute to merit the character of these customs quiet of these children, who do not suffer from the difficulties and problems that ours. The secret is simple and lies in two words: milk and love .
These passages clearly show that the pedagogy of Maria Montessori is more than an educational proposal. It is a proposal Total, based on observation of natural laws, including compliance "grammar" will allow the individual to write a decent . It gives in the field of birth of the tracks. They have since then been well depth. But the relevance of his analysis because they remain rooted in the observation of the laws of development which follow to form the man. "From this observation, we can specify the goals to pursue," must create a new education starting at birth. We must rebuild the education based on the laws of nature and not on preconceived ideas and prejudices of men . (...). Something really strange! People are afraid that hugs and physical contact of the mother are dangerous and indecent because they might arouse the sexual instinct of the man who has just arrived in the world! Because of this we expose children in danger of losing their personality, their adaptability and guidance in this complicated world where they have just arrived .
It sounds like Frederick Leboyer and Michel Odent challenging modern obstetrics whose practice "technology "could jeopardize anything less than the capacity to love modern man .... the Field of Human Continuum, Maria Montessori will certainly remain one of the most experienced guides and most comprehensive
About Breastfeeding she notes that in primitive tribes it lasts "l ong , more than a year, sometimes even up to two years. Throughout this important period of life, the child conquer his environment . In reality, the child's body does not really need the milk of its mother for a long period, breastfeeding is no longer necessary, but the mother Guided by an instinct of love, does not separate the child and continues to wear, despite its weight has increased well. "It is the maternal instinct must feel when the child is ready to move permanently to another food that is a sign of growth unforced independence. But it is the milk which is the first vector of the love that the child receives his mother.
"These testimonies natural should certainly not be considered revolutionary. But we look with admiration and have a tendency to attribute to merit the character of these customs quiet of these children, who do not suffer from the difficulties and problems that ours. The secret is simple and lies in two words: milk and love .
These passages clearly show that the pedagogy of Maria Montessori is more than an educational proposal. It is a proposal Total, based on observation of natural laws, including compliance "grammar" will allow the individual to write a decent . It gives in the field of birth of the tracks. They have since then been well depth. But the relevance of his analysis because they remain rooted in the observation of the laws of development which follow to form the man. "From this observation, we can specify the goals to pursue," must create a new education starting at birth. We must rebuild the education based on the laws of nature and not on preconceived ideas and prejudices of men . (...). Something really strange! People are afraid that hugs and physical contact of the mother are dangerous and indecent because they might arouse the sexual instinct of the man who has just arrived in the world! Because of this we expose children in danger of losing their personality, their adaptability and guidance in this complicated world where they have just arrived .
It sounds like Frederick Leboyer and Michel Odent challenging modern obstetrics whose practice "technology "could jeopardize anything less than the capacity to love modern man .... the Field of Human Continuum, Maria Montessori will certainly remain one of the most experienced guides and most comprehensive
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