Sunday, January 30, 2011


The voice of silence (presentation of the lesson of silence)

To understand the scope, I refer you to the following article: The Beauty of silence

A "silent table" with a peaceful image on one side and the printed word silence on the other side. The imaged side of the table is visible every day in the environment. It may be suspended as another beautiful image.

  • Call a group of children
  • Check the feelings of the group. Do not continue if the children are happy to make this "activity". The class must be in relative tranquility. Do not start if a child is agitated.
  • Show peaceful image and say "let's see if we can keep quiet all parts of our body. Our feet perfectly calm, perfectly calm our hands, and ears too." Pause for a few seconds. Then continued: "Did you hear that? We have something special. We did the silence"
  • Turn the "Table of silence" to reveal the printed word. Explain: "That said silence. When we see the word" silence "on the table, let the silence together." Return the table beside the picture.
  • say: "Now everyone is sitting comfortably in his chair." Make movements to show that you feel relaxed and at ease. Turn the "Table of silence" on the printed "silence" and remain very quiet
  • Wait a short time (between 1 and 2 minutes) and, after a complete silence lasted about twenty seconds, say, murmuring: " Now listen to the gentle voice that calls you by your first name and join me when you hear ". Going very slowly away from the room or in an adjacent room.
  • Whisper the name of children without following any particular order. However, start with an older student and experienced. Wait until everyone has joined you and is sitting on the floor near you. If a child does not come or comes at the wrong time, just continue.
  • Another day, teaching kids the "Table of Silence" by saying: "Tomorrow I will turn the" Table of silence "when you're working. When you get the picture turned'll sit quietly at your table and remain in silence. Do not tell anyone you saw the picture. Let others discover for themselves. "
  • The next day, while children are busy turning the "Table of silence" without prior announcement. Sit Then at a table watching the children. If one of them asks a question, do not answer him so as not to break the momentum of silence. When all the children in silence (one or two minutes), leave the room and call them by their first names.

listen EM Standing Finally we give a recommendation as to the tone that the teacher must use to call the child " It is absolutely important not to disturb the silence. The voice should it express themselves silent. Therefore this voice should not be more than a whisper. Each name, when called, should begin almost as insensitive it came out of nothingness before returning again "


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