Sunday, January 9, 2011

Creatine 189 And Superpump Together?

Education religions a child between 0 and 3 years

" Religious education must be based on child psychology . "

Maria Montessori did scientific work in religion and has given the religious foundations that meet the aspirations of psychic children. As any other basic skill, Maria Montessori observed that spiritual development of the child also responds to sensitive periods.
The first significant religious period of the child is between 0 and 3 years . It goes hand in hand with the period of absorbing the spirit in which the child absorbs a phenomenal its environment. It is simply essential. His ignorance could help understand why in many adults religion is reduced to a mere matter of morality ... when she is not relegated to the "attic" for the little "value added" it seems bring ...
In his lectures, Maria Montessori developed an outline of religious education. It will not be talking about hardware. We return to this issue over the development of children.

We all know that a well prepared environment is one of the most important pedagogy. For religious instruction, it is the same. The environment here is not reducible to the material. It is above all the places where the action is itself religious.
We teach our children or beautiful pictures of beautiful paintings to raise awareness of the beautiful. We do listen to our children to different styles of music they have the latest taste. To educate the religious sense, we should do the same there's one difference Maria Montessori said: making sure that religion is never a simple "matter" among others . She said
thus: "Schools that include religious matters, treat religion as a subject among others. This is a misconception. I speak against this error, because religion is more than that, it is something much greater and it is totally different . It is not a matter! " (See his speech on religious education in London in 1946)
" must think that religion is a universal feeling that exists in every human being now and forever. This is not something we must bring the child .(...) Religion is something that is inside each conductor. (...)
If religion fails us, we are missing something fundamental to the development of the human . "

So how can the child to" spontaneously "develop his spiritual axis? The question is even more important now that religion is most often the private sphere. L The child is increasingly rarely in contact with major religious events. And yet his desire is there ... It looked this encounter with the sacred ...
"It's a sentiment that is there and that develops. It is a living thing that must be developed through the influence of the environment. We must build a good environment, it is fundamental . "

Already in environmental close, so at home, the child must be able to mingle with images" holy "statues, a Bethel , religious objects. When the child sees the objects around him, they must be important, a special beauty that catches the eye of the child. This characteristic of the activity the absorbent mind which allows him to develop early a real spiritual dynamic.
"If we think we can recognize that religious education is particularly important in an age when the child absorbs everything in its environment. This is how to absorb a gift of nature. Meanwhile The child must find food for his spiritual development. This is the period of 0-6 years. (...) The religious feeling is created during this period and will be later developed . C ' is why this leads us to conclude that we need to teach religion to children toddlers. I think we need to teach religion as birth. "
That an inquiry that is sure to surprise. But again, the principle established by Maria Montessori has its origin in the heart of her experiences with children.
For this reason it strongly recommends that parents take the child to church so he participates from birth to religious ceremonies. His senses while awakening deep soak up rituals that will rock the first before be "captured" by his watchful eye.

CHILD: This embryo SPIRITUAL Maria Montessori
defends the spiritual reality that represents the child. She was able to discern in him the sense of elevation which is every man to exceed the strict material reality.
"There are, as you saw in the child an attraction which is higher than the material life. This trend is still rising. It is natural for the mind to continue in abstraction. The spirit also tends to rise and the human being must be understood in this way: it does not stay on the same level but sucks up . We have seen in our schools as the child is interested in "life in the church." The lights for example, low noise, silence, the way people move ... all of great interest to small children. "
And Maria Montessori goes further:" We see therefore, there is a sensitive period in childhood that allows him to enter the religion of sensory way. ;
At this age, children do not have a great delicacy and sensitivity but also the ability to understand much more deeply than we perceive ourselves. And among the sensitivities that the child has at this age is the need to feel protected , and feel sure he is protected. That is why it is necessary that the mother who gives religious education to a child so young, let him feel that there is a supernatural protection , there is a very powerful protection.
A child this age is very intuitive and the mother speaks with the same ease of guardian angels who protect the child, God is involved in this protection. The mother teaches the child's first prayers .
It is, as we explain our teaching, fundamental to give the child what it needs for its self-development for release later for autonomy. In all situations we must keep in mind the phrase "Help me to do it alone!". That is why we must give aid in a very subtle. We must not think that it is difficult to teach the child the religious sense. Instead, we must be aware that the child has an extraordinary sensitivity and we must be careful and move very slowly when we offer our children the religious instruction . "

Maria Montessori, religious education at this age is also the stories. Simple stories. Well-chosen stories. The focus should be Nativity. Children's books that speak of Jesus' birth should be simple, with beautiful illustrations and lots of life ... The mystery of Christmas is naturally the heart of the religious awakening of the smallest. It has u contact the Creche they can already feel the grace of this great truth developed by the Fathers of the Church: "God became man, that man is is God. "In the Church the liturgical around Christmas lasts almost three months (from Advent to the Feast of the Presentation in the Temple on February 2). During the time of a quarter we have the opportunity to allow the child to absorb the glorious mysteries. If we use this time really with the child in his 3 years with 6 years we have offered him nothing less than a year of "mediation" around the birth of Jesus. Who is aware of what the mind can imagine absorbing the religious sensibility that the child has already developed ...

One feature of the Montessori pedagogy in religious matters is the lack of moral involvement in the beginning. Since the child knows his sensitive period "moral" between 6 and 12 years, a religious initiation before age avoid any collision between morality and spirituality. It is not clear the moral question of the religious sphere. It is about recognizing that it does not arise between 0 and 6 years and so the child can not live a reduction of religion to morality. It is a very important point, because religion avoids becoming an issue of purely moral regulation. Human nature is well done. By giving the child a spiritual food at the earliest, he can not live the religion as a mere matter of morality. It supports the development of his consciousness. This is the fundamental point. Because the fund, religion is nothing if it is not the work of a refined consciousness that day. Education for example is a matter of conscience. I have in mind all the educational principles that I want, if I am not aware of the steps that constitute the psychological development of children, I am distressed to accompany it. Religious education must be understood as a gradual awareness the reality in which we live and Essential Information that animates it. In this logic, it will be understood here consciousness does not rhyme with subjectivity, but with the greatest objectivity possible. The moral issues are not evacuated. But they can never exhaust its content. Especially when it comes to understanding and experience what the first letter of the Bible summarizes: Love ...
order not to disrupt children's development in spiritual matters, Maria Montessori emphasizes the vigilance that should be the adult. We often say in front of children the principles that we round as soon as we can. " Children are confident and serious everything we tell them . Our inconsistencies are for them real shock waves. But they are also able to understand our weaknesses if we know ... just recognize them.

Maria Montessori has often recounted the story of a girl whose parents had learned to pray for others. We prayed for the cook, brothers and sisters, parents, etc.. One day this little girl sees her mother and said: "I pray for everybody." The prayer for children is often larger than that of adults. They do not have boundaries that adults will then be possible to protect "invasions" spiritual ...
And Maria Montessori rebelling against our vision is too narrow: " not shrink the nature of the child. Let it all and not just the little things, food and material needs. If we gave him the idea of God and he could not understand what the consequence would be? It is not dangerous knowledge. Let us have the courage to give many children. Thus will they happy and grateful. Learning children to pray for all, and they have great thoughts of their hearts fund. Give their religion as a revelation. If we give them religion as something whatever, then something has been damaged from the beginning of their lives . (...) The souls of children eat a lot. They are hungry for our help. They are waiting for our help. What is education if we do not give them that? The words do not help, the spiritual world must be open to children .

continued ... we will soon present the catechetical program of the Good Shepherd (Catechism "Montessori") for children 3 to 6 years.


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