Birth in France is very often deciphered in the medical context in which it occurs predominantly. The natural act of choice often suffers the weight of incessant "monitoring". Life is under control. But to what extent can we "control" of life? And power through this "passing" what birth is not it a source of learning to guide our own capacity to love and a wisdom of life?
The concept that develops Michel Odent in his writings seems the most appropriate way to express what is wanted. For today women who want to live a birth outside the medical system primarily want to live like a journey into the heart of life. You become sailor plying the ocean. The waves will inevitably destabilize the certainties. But the depths of life do not allow themselves to discover docked at the port of our prejudices. "One never goes so far that when we do not know where you're going" ... This famous quote from Christopher Columbus is not unrelated to the New World .. By discovering the laws of physiological birth is a continent that seems to be gradually.
When we talk about home birth, we often imagine a regression that would bring us back to dark ages where women suffered as a child. The confusion is logical. Because we can not deny history and its attendant painful births. But what is clear as insistently reminds Michel Odent is that most cultures have attempted to control births. The status of women and children in societies have rarely been conducive to respect for the process of birth. The mother-child bond has been subject to stricter controls. Cultural arguments have never failed to separate from the birth mother and child. We can not talk in these conditions physiological birth ...
Current concepts sometimes blur the understanding of the phenomena involved are speaks most often homebirth or natural birth to raise these children outside the medical community. But it is not enough to be outside the medical context for birth to occur in accordance with natural laws that do. Formerly, the births were taking place sometimes in the matrimonial home without any privacy. The woman could be found among the many family members. It was indeed an AAD (home birth) but not a physiological birth.
The concept that develops Michel Odent in his writings seems the most appropriate way to express what is wanted. For today women who want to live a birth outside the medical system primarily want to live like a journey into the heart of life. You become sailor plying the ocean. The waves will inevitably destabilize the certainties. But the depths of life do not allow themselves to discover docked at the port of our prejudices. "One never goes so far that when we do not know where you're going" ... This famous quote from Christopher Columbus is not unrelated to the New World .. By discovering the laws of physiological birth is a continent that seems to be gradually.
In a collection of testimonies gathered in a book entitled "Intimate births " Michel Odent defines the physiological birth: " What is physiological, it is a reference which is try not to deviate too much: this is universal. This is physiological, we talk the same way anywhere. The physiological reference is easy to define. Everything else is more or less deviation adjustment the particular case . For Michel Odent it is desirable to approximate the physiological norm to accompany best births.
In that same book, a midwife named Maite says what he means by "physiological". " Contrary to what one thinks, this is not merely the absence of pathology ... It is as if one said that walking is when you do not fall! The physiology delivery operation is profound, instinctive Life Devoid of any notion of belief, religion and culture. It is a universal knowledge, transcultural . its physiology in order to be a woman must leave her report to the outside, its relation to the other, his intellectual functioning. This arouses fears as it becomes more vulnerable, she let her shell, she returns to his inner world in which only his feelings guide her, she enters her bubble, she agrees to plunge into the unknown. It will only do so if she feels safe. (...). There is no recipe for us to help a woman to define what it needs to feel safe, to allow the father to hear and see how, in his way, he can answer . When the woman is in her bubble, she does not need anyone to guide her. His body knows. it need only be reassured that all is well. (...). Pain delivery is up to the woman who abandons them, leaving them, it can pass through. But if the woman resists, the pain will be at the height of its strength ".
a cocktail of oxytocin
One of the great merits of Michel Odent is have highlighted the whole function of the hormone adrenaline antagonist: to oxytocin. We all know the influence of first contact in human relations. If it is good, it will promote opening and provide a breeding ground for a constructive relationship. In the case of good contact, the individual releases of oxytocin. His adrenaline will be rather low. Oxytocin is described by Michel Odent hormone love. Indeed, whatever the situation in which love is involved (relationship, birth, breastfeeding, dinner with friends, prayer ....), the body and the brain secretes a rich cocktail of oxytocin.
When we registered the birth in a medicalized context, there is always the risk of deflecting the physiological norm. Birth becomes a "state of emergency" that must be managed. Se then being in stressful situations, women do most of oxytocin secret ... but adrenaline. Michel Odent writes as follows on the antagonism adrenaline / oxytocin: " Everyone knows that mammals including humans, secrete adrenaline in emergency situations. One secret of adrenaline when afraid, when you feel observed, when you're cold ... When mammals secrete adrenaline, they can not secrete oxytocin. However, oxytocin is the "key hormone" of delivery, because on the one hand, it is necessary to contract the uterus and, secondly, it is considered as the epitome of love hormones, plays a key role in the induction of maternal behavior in mammals in general. (...). When understood this, we can already formulate preliminary conclusions: to give birth, women need to feel safe without feeling observed, in a place hot enough . "According to the etymology, oxytocin comes from the Greek okusa , "fast" and τόκος , childbirth ... Childbirth fast and oxytocin go hand in hand ...
Oxytocin Relational is the hormone par excellence. It helps build relationships between individuals. A civilization that would aim to "build" Love should work for the release of this hormone that is often the cost of "overproduction" of his famous antagonist: adrenaline ...
Michel Odent is not only a gynecologist and obstetrician, founder of the Center for Health Research primal e. His research scientists also want to serve the development of a civilization truly respectful human being. In a more philosophical entitled " From man to man superpredator ecological" , he paints a picture in a few lines of the current situation.
" Man superpredator appeared when our ancestors began to disrupt the strategies of survival. Until that time, all animals including humans have survived by adapting to environment.
The emergence of man superpredator can not be separated at the origin of domesticated plants and animals. Since the barriers were raised with the rest of the animal kingdom, companies that have been most successful are those who have developed the human potential for aggression, by moderating the development of the capacity to love. That is how we can explain the favorable evolution of birth control by the cultural and broadcasts beliefs and rituals that interfere with the physiological process, particularly the vital interaction between the mother and newborn (eg beliefs about the "bad" colostrum, rites to quickly cut the cord or wash the baby in an emergency) .
" Man superpredator appeared when our ancestors began to disrupt the strategies of survival. Until that time, all animals including humans have survived by adapting to environment.
The emergence of man superpredator can not be separated at the origin of domesticated plants and animals. Since the barriers were raised with the rest of the animal kingdom, companies that have been most successful are those who have developed the human potential for aggression, by moderating the development of the capacity to love. That is how we can explain the favorable evolution of birth control by the cultural and broadcasts beliefs and rituals that interfere with the physiological process, particularly the vital interaction between the mother and newborn (eg beliefs about the "bad" colostrum, rites to quickly cut the cord or wash the baby in an emergency) .
Today the history of humanity is at a crossroads. The domination of nature reaches its extreme limit. Man superpredator can be presented as the only living creature intelligent enough to destroy the planet. The story of the birth is at a crossroads. While all societies have tended to interfere with the process of birth, until very recently, a woman could have a baby without releasing a complex cocktail of love hormones. For the first However, most women in our country, become mothers without their brain has been impregnated by these hormones. They can rely on pharmacological substitutes that are not of love hormones .
Michel Odent explains elsewhere that the synthetic hormone does not reach the brain receptors, they can not produce the behavioral effects (link attachment, breast, etc.) induced by the natural secretion. These considerations represent a real scientific challenge anthropological and societal. The way we look at birth and its physiological core corporate style guides we want to build for tomorrow.
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