Sunday, January 30, 2011


The voice of silence (presentation of the lesson of silence)

To understand the scope, I refer you to the following article: The Beauty of silence

A "silent table" with a peaceful image on one side and the printed word silence on the other side. The imaged side of the table is visible every day in the environment. It may be suspended as another beautiful image.

  • Call a group of children
  • Check the feelings of the group. Do not continue if the children are happy to make this "activity". The class must be in relative tranquility. Do not start if a child is agitated.
  • Show peaceful image and say "let's see if we can keep quiet all parts of our body. Our feet perfectly calm, perfectly calm our hands, and ears too." Pause for a few seconds. Then continued: "Did you hear that? We have something special. We did the silence"
  • Turn the "Table of silence" to reveal the printed word. Explain: "That said silence. When we see the word" silence "on the table, let the silence together." Return the table beside the picture.
  • say: "Now everyone is sitting comfortably in his chair." Make movements to show that you feel relaxed and at ease. Turn the "Table of silence" on the printed "silence" and remain very quiet
  • Wait a short time (between 1 and 2 minutes) and, after a complete silence lasted about twenty seconds, say, murmuring: " Now listen to the gentle voice that calls you by your first name and join me when you hear ". Going very slowly away from the room or in an adjacent room.
  • Whisper the name of children without following any particular order. However, start with an older student and experienced. Wait until everyone has joined you and is sitting on the floor near you. If a child does not come or comes at the wrong time, just continue.
  • Another day, teaching kids the "Table of Silence" by saying: "Tomorrow I will turn the" Table of silence "when you're working. When you get the picture turned'll sit quietly at your table and remain in silence. Do not tell anyone you saw the picture. Let others discover for themselves. "
  • The next day, while children are busy turning the "Table of silence" without prior announcement. Sit Then at a table watching the children. If one of them asks a question, do not answer him so as not to break the momentum of silence. When all the children in silence (one or two minutes), leave the room and call them by their first names.

listen EM Standing Finally we give a recommendation as to the tone that the teacher must use to call the child " It is absolutely important not to disturb the silence. The voice should it express themselves silent. Therefore this voice should not be more than a whisper. Each name, when called, should begin almost as insensitive it came out of nothingness before returning again "

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Fashion Show Email Invite Wording

Becoming a man in the XXI century! The Beauty of silence

As Gregory has the chance to have his mother with him every day, opportunities to participate in the" household "are manifold. .. Here is a collage of recent weeks.

Make the kitchen or watching Gregory loves to do ... especially if he can lend a hand. I always a little afraid to leave to approach the "fire", but sometimes it is granted under attention and where there is only one plate lights .. That way it can be "itself" its pasta ...
Gregory is careful to "hot" and he likes to mix savory by itself ...
I grant you leave a young child approaching the "fire" is a risk and I know that many parents would not do. The important thing is to know the capabilities of her child.
With the season of Advent, nuts raided our closets. Gregory likes them (what he does not, however ??!). When one wants to open, we heard his little voice, "No, not that!" Me, me! "
Thus Gregory found it difficult to open a nut ... Gregory does not care, he keeps his good humor!

The machine is part of the daily life of Gregory for many months. If at first he was content to watch me fill and empty the washing machine and see the turn, he took a long time about all this ....
Sometimes I find it in the bathroom to fill the machine with everything he can find clothes that hang like ... One day, he even put all our brushes teeth in it ...
Why not ... each of his method for making a toothbrush with her new condition ...

Who said machine also says turn the machine ... Gregory does (almost) never do things by half and makes a point of honor to help mom to turn off the machine ... The basket half empty, he forbids her to continue ... "Me, me, me" speaks volumes about his desire to be alone ... In
mind Montessori Mom, I let him, knowing he will have two or three layers of clothing or on the clothesline and then it stops ... It is all a subtle technique to turn off then the rest of the machine without noticing, because when he sees me take a towel, he approached and continued to loudly "me, me, me "and do not want anything I hang ...
Sacred blonde head!

This is a "machine" very interesting and very is harmless: the salad spinner ... As soon as I start to get out the salad, Gregory brings the wringer and goes straight to work ... The tool is so fascinating that it often ignores the salad ... The main thing that turns when he turns the wheel and he could watch how the cart made its rounds inside ... exciting, is not it? Gregory is certain that you have not yet taken the time to watch this little tool quite trivial to find your enjoyment of the moment?

One day, he broke a ball while fir he galloped across the room ... Without saying anything, Gregoire has sought his own little broom to try to collect it all.
Sweep is a hard act to our little guy, he has not the right thing ... (Or so maybe even though the mother has not yet shown how to scan ... but that's another topic!). However, he wants to do anyway. If
sweeps a hand, he will still use both when it will occur with the small brush ... But he has time to learn it all again ...
For now, I'm already happy to see he has filled the right thing in such a scenarios: find the broom. The rest is just a matter of time ... to one day become a man of twenty-first century!

Monday, January 24, 2011

Latinas Mexicanas Follando


La - EMPOISONNEMENTS ATTENTION! Département 40 The Sabres! DIFFUSONS en masse! TOUT EN UN CRIMINAL TUE IMPUNITÉ! Animaux enfants ET MEME EN DANGER! Scottish terrier off

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Funny Cross Country Running Shirts

Kare Design bútor és lakberendezés Üzlet - lamp design bútor, Tükör, ágyak, dekoráció, KARE üzlet

Kare Design Furniture and Furnishings Business - lamps, furniture design, mirrors, beds, decoration, shop KARE

Saturday, January 22, 2011

How To Take Care Of Pet Lobster

Among the practical life activities include the lesson of silence. This is another specific feature of this pedagogy. Far from being forced silence is discovered. Once discovered, he is loved as a very valuable resource. Before going into the details of this "lesson" singular, Maria Montessori, who we listen to reveals the importance and richness in a conference in Holland in 1938.

Maria Montessori pedagogy has revealed how can learn to be silent without being taxed as a military order. Silence is less cultivated. Too often it is imposed as an external constraint to avoid chaos. It has nothing creative. Instead of discovering the flavor, it evacuates as an additional constraint that must be released. Reigns noise. intelligence will be unable to receive the vitamins that represents this psychic ability. Yet no great creation, not personal development, no significant development can occur without a phase of silence . For Maria Montessori
who has experienced in her classes free power of silence in their classrooms, this discovery is a real novelty. Children are capable of silence. They love it. Know how to appreciate it. " And the silence was a revelation. I never thought that infants could receive as much love and if this thing just as mysterious. Now, I begin to understand that something had been hidden. (... ). Now, for this silence, there should be no movement, we must think of anything that could move .

Maria Montessori then states what the consequences of this silence. " They develop a high sensitivity to noise. Naturally, when you do not know the silence, we can not appreciate the nuances offered by the noises. But that means being more sensitive to noise. This means that the sounds appear more strongly, when you do this (The editor says here that Maria Montessori did slightly move the table). When this sensitivity to noise is associated with love of silence, you'll see that this lesson students are more disciplined and calm. And everything they do will be done quietly. Then they will draw a large profit. You will see that these children show a delicacy ....(...) It is then in a world of subtle and refined. And let me the word, it all comes spontaneously perfect this art is a high discipline to which we can never command a .

Night reminds us that the psychological need is silent. But sleeping we we only have little awareness ... The "lesson" of silence may provide an opportunity for awareness of benefit to both large and small ... ... In the silence that will shape the scientists, artists, thinkers ... Maria Montessori said that often silence " knowledge brings us, we did not realize that we have in ourselves an inner life . EM Standing, in his book about Maria Montessori (Maria Montessori , his life and his work ) tells " one day a director with his knowledge asked the children what they heard in silence. In addition noises we can distinguish when the silence is, a child answered hearing next spring, and another voice of God in him. It is a tragedy of our time that so many people grow mechanistic without having discovered the beauty of silence .

Without silence, the inner man can attain the stature that is his. The silence tells us to see .... The silence we learn to hear .. But silence is known by the silence ...

Coming soon: The Voices of Silence (lesson of silence) ...

Related Topics:
The Atrium place of initiation to prayer
Montessori, the lesson of silence and liturgical prayer

Friday, January 21, 2011

I Woke Ups Spitting Blood


Theophilus grows and mobile no longer interest him ... He wants to catch and bring to her mouth! So I continued the manufacture of equipment for Nido.
All rattles have been tested and approved by Theophilus ... Sometimes I suspend the three same time (it is not very Montessori ...) and he is happy to whip in the air ... The bells are nice harmonic ...

Materials needed:
Wide ribbon (2 to 2.5 cm)
Elastic, same width as the ribbon

For manufacturing, I have always carried the same way:
  • sew the ribbon rattle
  • cut the ribbon in the middle or slightly above and insert a piece of elastic (elastic allows the child to get the rattle to his mouth)
  • eventually ribbon to hang the whole
Rattle 1: wide rings and end in untreated wood

Rattle No. 2: a small wooden rings untreated with a bell inside

Rattle 3: simply great bell attached to a ribbon

Here are my other posts on the Nido and equipment manufacturing:

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Vip Suitcase Change Combination

Picky eaters and standardization

GENERATION "difficult" children? It accuses
Today more children from being "bad" when they manifest deviant behavior. We talk more often "difficult" children. It is not a day goes by without a parent or a teacher asks what he can do to help these children, "difficult" to behave "normal".
agendas of psychologists filled. Physicians are asked to provide aid and sometimes solutions.
Yet children do not go around the corner. They are often well dressed. They get much toys. They eat their fill. They have nice sports facilities to spend Wednesday. But all this does not seem sufficient to solve the problem behaviors of children "difficult".
The report that the child has with society is certainly complex. The school holds an important place in the life of the child. And family structures now offer many different models. The analysis of the phenomenon of "difficult" children is complex. This may be the subject of this article.
can see a definite interest for books on education. Many of these books are often interesting. They can improve communication and relationships between parents and children. But deviant behavior often remain ... and normalization seems to be a goal to which it is best not to think ... So where is the gap? What we lack there to support the harmonious development of the child? The psyche of the child be permanently tainted by a chaotic energy?

goals that everyone agrees to education depend on the vision we had made the man and his development. The definitions of standardization may vary infinitely. For a scientific definition, we must start from experience. By observing children whose defects had disappeared classics (anger, seem, dispersion, insolence, disorder, trouble, etc.) that Maria Montessori was extracted behavioral and psychological characteristics of the child standard.

In his day, Maria Montessori made the following assessment in a lecture titled "Children at work" given December 11, 1936: " However, in families and in other schools, we had to try every way correct them: in vain. And there was a time when our schools were filled with these difficult children. How many mothers have tried to correct their children by severity; others, by gentleness and patience. Yet everything was ineffective. We did not touch the crucial point. In fact, treated by violence, the child relapsed and, often, increased softness whims. It was really impressive to see that in one condition, the healing occurs: when the child came into relationship with reality and begins to act by itself, and this, in one form: the work and application. (...) It is interesting to note that all defects disappear with normalization .

When Maria Montessori speaks of relationship to reality must be understood that normalization occurs when the child can develop in an environment that allows him to meet all its needs psychic. The flowering occurs invariably when the child can draw from the environment what it needs to build the man he is becoming . Maria Montessori, all defects that are generally attributed to the children disappear by the concentrated work. This is the kind of work that is done using special equipment, which specifically addresses the different stages of sensory and mental development of children. Supported by a material that is passionate about, the child finds in contact with the rest of the work inside that allows it to direct all its energies.
The "difficult" children are not inevitable. Towards standardization is open to them. However, they are familiar with the different stages of child development and to provide a suitable environment that allows it to freely feed their deepest aspirations. Discipline and inner peace are the fruits that the psychological child can collect on contact with an environment suited to their needs.
One of the most famous biographer and disciple of Maria Montessori, EM Standing, and summarizes the characteristics of the child standard: love of work, intense concentration and spontaneous ability to choose, discipline, sense of initiative, personal work, joy and love of others .

This is certainly one of the great discoveries of Maria Montessori. This gave her a huge surprise to see that releasing the energy of children in a friendly environment, all of their major flaws disappear. However, Maria Montessori began working with "difficult" children. His discovery is fundamental. Before you can experience the homogeneous development of the child, she first observed child deviant, by redirecting their energies, have found the path to normality . His testimony is therefore essential to measure the full extent of his pedagogy.

In a lecture given in London in 1946 entitled " Concentration and educator " it gives us the key to standardization. Thanks to the concentration that the child reaches the normalization . By experimenting with this psychic force the child is perfectly satisfied. His calmness arises suddenly. His ability to work becomes regular and powerful. His relationship with the environment is benign. " Normality is in an environment that allows its natural development . Its discovery will then give any direction to define s pedagogy and praxis of the teacher. " The work of the educator is to lead children to standardization via the concentration ... The teacher has two tasks: bringing children to the concentration and assist their development. The aid most important adults can make to the child of three years is the non-intervention. The intervention hinders concentration and activity. But do not apply this rule as children always wear the weight of their deviation .

This point is fundamental. The current social context is certainly different from that known Maria Montessori. But children remain the same. And normality is inscribed in nature. We just help them discover it. Kids today live in circumstances very different from each other. To accompany the return to normality, he n 'There is certainly no one possible method. In his time Maria Montessori recommended not punish or scold children deviant because it does not remove these evil roots. She insisted that these children can deal with an activity that really interests them and lead them to concentration. For this, the educator must be able to recognize it. For it would signal a possible return to normal and . " Early studies of biology one must observe things under a microscope, but as long as the eyes have not worked hard enough, they can not recognize anything. So must also be exercised eyes educator. It must develop a sensitivity to be able to recognize this phenomenon when it occurs fugitive .

Once the teacher has noticed this phenomenon of concentration in children, it will be much easier to propose activities that will intensify gradually. This undoubtedly will require patience and time. It is likely that today's schools can not solve this problem. It is therefore necessary children can learn at home this tremendous ability who will lead toward normalization. Depending deviations, more or less time will be needed. But without the development of this psychic ability, the child will always be in difficulty. I also find it reassuring and insightful when relativized competitive and aggressive behavior of children unstandardized " Although competitions are necessary at this stage, do not be afraid to need. All this adds nothing as that children are more deviant, while it changes itself occurs when the concentration .

Having had the opportunity to work with children unstandardized, I can only confirm the experience of Maria Montessori. Signal a fundamental change, is concentration. And his absence is now one of the obstacles to healthy development of children. There is only one line of thought. Because there is no uniform solution to help children "difficult". But it is important to ensure that the objective in order to accompany them as possible.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Format Of Letter- Telephone Line Disconnection

physiological Birth: discovering a new continent ...

Birth in France is very often deciphered in the medical context in which it occurs predominantly. The natural act of choice often suffers the weight of incessant "monitoring". Life is under control. But to what extent can we "control" of life? And power through this "passing" what birth is not it a source of learning to guide our own capacity to love and a wisdom of life?
When we talk about home birth, we often imagine a regression that would bring us back to dark ages where women suffered as a child. The confusion is logical. Because we can not deny history and its attendant painful births. But what is clear as insistently reminds Michel Odent is that most cultures have attempted to control births. The status of women and children in societies have rarely been conducive to respect for the process of birth. The mother-child bond has been subject to stricter controls. Cultural arguments have never failed to separate from the birth mother and child. We can not talk in these conditions physiological birth ...

Current concepts sometimes blur the understanding of the phenomena involved are speaks most often homebirth or natural birth to raise these children outside the medical community. But it is not enough to be outside the medical context for birth to occur in accordance with natural laws that do. Formerly, the births were taking place sometimes in the matrimonial home without any privacy. The woman could be found among the many family members. It was indeed an AAD (home birth) but not a physiological birth.

The concept that develops Michel Odent in his writings seems the most appropriate way to express what is wanted. For today women who want to live a birth outside the medical system primarily want to live like a journey into the heart of life. You become sailor plying the ocean. The waves will inevitably destabilize the certainties. But the depths of life do not allow themselves to discover docked at the port of our prejudices. "One never goes so far that when we do not know where you're going" ... This famous quote from Christopher Columbus is not unrelated to the New World .. By discovering the laws of physiological birth is a continent that seems to be gradually.
In a collection of testimonies gathered in a book entitled "Intimate births " Michel Odent defines the physiological birth: " What is physiological, it is a reference which is try not to deviate too much: this is universal. This is physiological, we talk the same way anywhere. The physiological reference is easy to define. Everything else is more or less deviation adjustment the particular case . For Michel Odent it is desirable to approximate the physiological norm to accompany best births.
In that same book, a midwife named Maite says what he means by "physiological". " Contrary to what one thinks, this is not merely the absence of pathology ... It is as if one said that walking is when you do not fall! The physiology delivery operation is profound, instinctive Life Devoid of any notion of belief, religion and culture. It is a universal knowledge, transcultural . its physiology in order to be a woman must leave her report to the outside, its relation to the other, his intellectual functioning. This arouses fears as it becomes more vulnerable, she let her shell, she returns to his inner world in which only his feelings guide her, she enters her bubble, she agrees to plunge into the unknown. It will only do so if she feels safe. (...). There is no recipe for us to help a woman to define what it needs to feel safe, to allow the father to hear and see how, in his way, he can answer . When the woman is in her bubble, she does not need anyone to guide her. His body knows. it need only be reassured that all is well. (...). Pain delivery is up to the woman who abandons them, leaving them, it can pass through. But if the woman resists, the pain will be at the height of its strength ".

a cocktail of oxytocin
One of the great merits of Michel Odent is have highlighted the whole function of the hormone adrenaline antagonist: to oxytocin. We all know the influence of first contact in human relations. If it is good, it will promote opening and provide a breeding ground for a constructive relationship. In the case of good contact, the individual releases of oxytocin. His adrenaline will be rather low. Oxytocin is described by Michel Odent hormone love. Indeed, whatever the situation in which love is involved (relationship, birth, breastfeeding, dinner with friends, prayer ....), the body and the brain secretes a rich cocktail of oxytocin.
When we registered the birth in a medicalized context, there is always the risk of deflecting the physiological norm. Birth becomes a "state of emergency" that must be managed. Se then being in stressful situations, women do most of oxytocin secret ... but adrenaline. Michel Odent writes as follows on the antagonism adrenaline / oxytocin: " Everyone knows that mammals including humans, secrete adrenaline in emergency situations. One secret of adrenaline when afraid, when you feel observed, when you're cold ... When mammals secrete adrenaline, they can not secrete oxytocin. However, oxytocin is the "key hormone" of delivery, because on the one hand, it is necessary to contract the uterus and, secondly, it is considered as the epitome of love hormones, plays a key role in the induction of maternal behavior in mammals in general. (...). When understood this, we can already formulate preliminary conclusions: to give birth, women need to feel safe without feeling observed, in a place hot enough . "According to the etymology, oxytocin comes from the Greek okusa , "fast" and τόκος , childbirth ... Childbirth fast and oxytocin go hand in hand ...
Oxytocin Relational is the hormone par excellence. It helps build relationships between individuals. A civilization that would aim to "build" Love should work for the release of this hormone that is often the cost of "overproduction" of his famous antagonist: adrenaline ...

Michel Odent is not only a gynecologist and obstetrician, founder of the Center for Health Research primal e. His research scientists also want to serve the development of a civilization truly respectful human being. In a more philosophical entitled " From man to man superpredator ecological" , he paints a picture in a few lines of the current situation.

" Man superpredator appeared when our ancestors began to disrupt the strategies of survival. Until that time, all animals including humans have survived by adapting to environment.
The emergence of man superpredator can not be separated at the origin of domesticated plants and animals. Since the barriers were raised with the rest of the animal kingdom, companies that have been most successful are those who have developed the human potential for aggression, by moderating the development of the capacity to love. That is how we can explain the favorable evolution of birth control by the cultural and broadcasts beliefs and rituals that interfere with the physiological process, particularly the vital interaction between the mother and newborn (eg beliefs about the "bad" colostrum, rites to quickly cut the cord or wash the baby in an emergency) .
Today the history of humanity is at a crossroads. The domination of nature reaches its extreme limit. Man superpredator can be presented as the only living creature intelligent enough to destroy the planet. The story of the birth is at a crossroads. While all societies have tended to interfere with the process of birth, until very recently, a woman could have a baby without releasing a complex cocktail of love hormones. For the first However, most women in our country, become mothers without their brain has been impregnated by these hormones. They can rely on pharmacological substitutes that are not of love hormones .
Michel Odent explains elsewhere that the synthetic hormone does not reach the brain receptors, they can not produce the behavioral effects (link attachment, breast, etc.) induced by the natural secretion. These considerations represent a real scientific challenge anthropological and societal. The way we look at birth and its physiological core corporate style guides we want to build for tomorrow.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

How Cervical Mucus Look Like

Charter educator "Montessori"

Maria Montessori has offered listeners a lecture she gave in Barcelona in 1933 12 "commandments" to guide the work of the educator . A nice little memo to not forget anything essential ...

1 - The educator is responsible for the material order . It must take great care so that the environment is always clean and tidy. This environment must be constantly attracting for the child.
2 - The teacher must teach the use equipment and how to practice the exercises quotidienne.Il life must do so with grace and accuracy for all that is in the environment can be used properly by those who chose him.
3 - The educator is active when connects the child and the environment. It becomes passive when this relationship work.
4 - It must observe children so they do not lose their strength for naught when seeking hidden material or when they need help.
5 - He must make himself available soon as the child requests.
6- must listen and respond when the child so requests.
7 - It must respect the child work without interruption.
8 - It must respect the child makes mistakes without correcting it.
9 - It must respect the child resting or watching others work without disturbing it, s years without challenge and the work force.
10 - It must work tirelessly to offer material that the child refused so far, teach him what he still does not understand what he or still with erreurs.Et that it must do in caring for the environment, in respectful silence, with soft words and presence loving.
11 - It must make its presence felt to the child who seeks and must remain behind of one who has found.
12 - It must offer the child has completed its work and has made every effort atmosphere collected and silence for his soul.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Creatine 189 And Superpump Together?

Education religions a child between 0 and 3 years

" Religious education must be based on child psychology . "

Maria Montessori did scientific work in religion and has given the religious foundations that meet the aspirations of psychic children. As any other basic skill, Maria Montessori observed that spiritual development of the child also responds to sensitive periods.
The first significant religious period of the child is between 0 and 3 years . It goes hand in hand with the period of absorbing the spirit in which the child absorbs a phenomenal its environment. It is simply essential. His ignorance could help understand why in many adults religion is reduced to a mere matter of morality ... when she is not relegated to the "attic" for the little "value added" it seems bring ...
In his lectures, Maria Montessori developed an outline of religious education. It will not be talking about hardware. We return to this issue over the development of children.

We all know that a well prepared environment is one of the most important pedagogy. For religious instruction, it is the same. The environment here is not reducible to the material. It is above all the places where the action is itself religious.
We teach our children or beautiful pictures of beautiful paintings to raise awareness of the beautiful. We do listen to our children to different styles of music they have the latest taste. To educate the religious sense, we should do the same there's one difference Maria Montessori said: making sure that religion is never a simple "matter" among others . She said
thus: "Schools that include religious matters, treat religion as a subject among others. This is a misconception. I speak against this error, because religion is more than that, it is something much greater and it is totally different . It is not a matter! " (See his speech on religious education in London in 1946)
" must think that religion is a universal feeling that exists in every human being now and forever. This is not something we must bring the child .(...) Religion is something that is inside each conductor. (...)
If religion fails us, we are missing something fundamental to the development of the human . "

So how can the child to" spontaneously "develop his spiritual axis? The question is even more important now that religion is most often the private sphere. L The child is increasingly rarely in contact with major religious events. And yet his desire is there ... It looked this encounter with the sacred ...
"It's a sentiment that is there and that develops. It is a living thing that must be developed through the influence of the environment. We must build a good environment, it is fundamental . "

Already in environmental close, so at home, the child must be able to mingle with images" holy "statues, a Bethel , religious objects. When the child sees the objects around him, they must be important, a special beauty that catches the eye of the child. This characteristic of the activity the absorbent mind which allows him to develop early a real spiritual dynamic.
"If we think we can recognize that religious education is particularly important in an age when the child absorbs everything in its environment. This is how to absorb a gift of nature. Meanwhile The child must find food for his spiritual development. This is the period of 0-6 years. (...) The religious feeling is created during this period and will be later developed . C ' is why this leads us to conclude that we need to teach religion to children toddlers. I think we need to teach religion as birth. "
That an inquiry that is sure to surprise. But again, the principle established by Maria Montessori has its origin in the heart of her experiences with children.
For this reason it strongly recommends that parents take the child to church so he participates from birth to religious ceremonies. His senses while awakening deep soak up rituals that will rock the first before be "captured" by his watchful eye.

CHILD: This embryo SPIRITUAL Maria Montessori
defends the spiritual reality that represents the child. She was able to discern in him the sense of elevation which is every man to exceed the strict material reality.
"There are, as you saw in the child an attraction which is higher than the material life. This trend is still rising. It is natural for the mind to continue in abstraction. The spirit also tends to rise and the human being must be understood in this way: it does not stay on the same level but sucks up . We have seen in our schools as the child is interested in "life in the church." The lights for example, low noise, silence, the way people move ... all of great interest to small children. "
And Maria Montessori goes further:" We see therefore, there is a sensitive period in childhood that allows him to enter the religion of sensory way. ;
At this age, children do not have a great delicacy and sensitivity but also the ability to understand much more deeply than we perceive ourselves. And among the sensitivities that the child has at this age is the need to feel protected , and feel sure he is protected. That is why it is necessary that the mother who gives religious education to a child so young, let him feel that there is a supernatural protection , there is a very powerful protection.
A child this age is very intuitive and the mother speaks with the same ease of guardian angels who protect the child, God is involved in this protection. The mother teaches the child's first prayers .
It is, as we explain our teaching, fundamental to give the child what it needs for its self-development for release later for autonomy. In all situations we must keep in mind the phrase "Help me to do it alone!". That is why we must give aid in a very subtle. We must not think that it is difficult to teach the child the religious sense. Instead, we must be aware that the child has an extraordinary sensitivity and we must be careful and move very slowly when we offer our children the religious instruction . "

Maria Montessori, religious education at this age is also the stories. Simple stories. Well-chosen stories. The focus should be Nativity. Children's books that speak of Jesus' birth should be simple, with beautiful illustrations and lots of life ... The mystery of Christmas is naturally the heart of the religious awakening of the smallest. It has u contact the Creche they can already feel the grace of this great truth developed by the Fathers of the Church: "God became man, that man is is God. "In the Church the liturgical around Christmas lasts almost three months (from Advent to the Feast of the Presentation in the Temple on February 2). During the time of a quarter we have the opportunity to allow the child to absorb the glorious mysteries. If we use this time really with the child in his 3 years with 6 years we have offered him nothing less than a year of "mediation" around the birth of Jesus. Who is aware of what the mind can imagine absorbing the religious sensibility that the child has already developed ...

One feature of the Montessori pedagogy in religious matters is the lack of moral involvement in the beginning. Since the child knows his sensitive period "moral" between 6 and 12 years, a religious initiation before age avoid any collision between morality and spirituality. It is not clear the moral question of the religious sphere. It is about recognizing that it does not arise between 0 and 6 years and so the child can not live a reduction of religion to morality. It is a very important point, because religion avoids becoming an issue of purely moral regulation. Human nature is well done. By giving the child a spiritual food at the earliest, he can not live the religion as a mere matter of morality. It supports the development of his consciousness. This is the fundamental point. Because the fund, religion is nothing if it is not the work of a refined consciousness that day. Education for example is a matter of conscience. I have in mind all the educational principles that I want, if I am not aware of the steps that constitute the psychological development of children, I am distressed to accompany it. Religious education must be understood as a gradual awareness the reality in which we live and Essential Information that animates it. In this logic, it will be understood here consciousness does not rhyme with subjectivity, but with the greatest objectivity possible. The moral issues are not evacuated. But they can never exhaust its content. Especially when it comes to understanding and experience what the first letter of the Bible summarizes: Love ...
order not to disrupt children's development in spiritual matters, Maria Montessori emphasizes the vigilance that should be the adult. We often say in front of children the principles that we round as soon as we can. " Children are confident and serious everything we tell them . Our inconsistencies are for them real shock waves. But they are also able to understand our weaknesses if we know ... just recognize them.

Maria Montessori has often recounted the story of a girl whose parents had learned to pray for others. We prayed for the cook, brothers and sisters, parents, etc.. One day this little girl sees her mother and said: "I pray for everybody." The prayer for children is often larger than that of adults. They do not have boundaries that adults will then be possible to protect "invasions" spiritual ...
And Maria Montessori rebelling against our vision is too narrow: " not shrink the nature of the child. Let it all and not just the little things, food and material needs. If we gave him the idea of God and he could not understand what the consequence would be? It is not dangerous knowledge. Let us have the courage to give many children. Thus will they happy and grateful. Learning children to pray for all, and they have great thoughts of their hearts fund. Give their religion as a revelation. If we give them religion as something whatever, then something has been damaged from the beginning of their lives . (...) The souls of children eat a lot. They are hungry for our help. They are waiting for our help. What is education if we do not give them that? The words do not help, the spiritual world must be open to children .

continued ... we will soon present the catechetical program of the Good Shepherd (Catechism "Montessori") for children 3 to 6 years.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Whiteheads Inside Labia

Some current activities (V)

Card Association and animal figurines
cards with animals were a big success a few months ago, but Gregory is sick. He has abandoned some time on the shelf. But one day he was "rediscovered" and since it makes them very regularly. Despite the number of animals is increasing, it does well and he manages to place them on the corresponding maps.

For this activity, I took pictures for the collection Schleich he has the figures. These are not "real" cards BOM ... it just lacks the nomenclature, but this activity is not that serious. We will make new cards for the real nomenclature.

Normally, it's my job to arrange the cards by grouping the families of animals, and Gregory is responsible for placing each animal on the map corresponding. Sometimes when a card is far from him, he asked me to pose the figure. But beware! If the animal's head left, it is imperative that the model has also left his head, otherwise I Gregory call to order by saying "turn "!...

Pouring the syringe
One of Gregory's work much appreciated at this time is the syringe ... Fill a cup with a syringe by sucking water colored for the "press" in the cup then vacuum.
air of nothing, this activity is much more complex than might seem at first. On the photo you can see some difficulties. Since both hands are busy sucking up water, the cup can sometimes be reversed if the child presses the edge ... and when you press the water into the empty cup, he would hold the syringe straight on to the water "Pschitt" well back in the cup.

A tray of flour
Gregory adores use the tray with flour.
It is a plate of food to the oven in which I put a little flour, enough to cover the entire surface.
When we make strokes with the fingers, black background appears and makes a nice contrast with white flour.

finger drawing circles, lines ... moons, suns ... it does not take much to be happy! Gregory has fun with this activity ...

When you have to shake the tray slightly so that flour covers the tray back, Gregory therewith, but the result is not perfect yet, what he sees of himself ... So he calls me for help.

Before you start "Session flour," Gregory goes well and handles her fingers look good "white" flour ... Sometimes he asks me a cloth to clean along the way, sometimes he claps his hands to drop the flour ... and sometimes you end up sweeping the floor around the table ...

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Dermatomyositis In Dogs

Attention kennel cough

Nobivac ; ® KC

Nobivac KC - for comprehensive protection against simple kennel cough.
Nobivac KC is a live vaccine to provide protection against diseases of upper respiratory tract caused by Bordetella bronchiseptica and parainfluenza virus. Nobivac KC contains live, attenuated, lyophilized B. bronchiseptica and parainfluenza virus.
Kennel cough. A painful disease. Kennel cough is particularly common when dogs meet, like during a walk in the kennels or rescue centers. It can even spread in situations where dogs are just socialization, such as training, dog shows, or competitions trial dog.
The disease is caused by a number of different organisms and environmental influences. B. bronchiseptica is generally considered the most important cause, although several other bodies, including parainfluenza virus, may also be involved.
Nobivac KC is the simplest intranasal vaccine available. Nobivac KC is administered with a low dose (0.4 ml), only one nostril intranasal application. Nobivac KC provides immunity against B. bronchiseptica within 72 hours after application, and immunity is designed to last at least 12 months after a single vaccination.
immunity is fast, effective and robust - ideal for use before a predicted risk (as before entry into a kennel, or a contest) or as an annual vaccination. Nobivac KC is safe for puppies 2 weeks old.
Talk to your local veterinarian lifestyle of your dog and a vaccination program appropriate Nobivac.
Prescription Animal Remedy (PAR) Class 1 for use only under the authority or prescription of a veterinarian.