We live in postmodernity. This historical period is certainly due to the unprecedented development of the digital revolution that changes our relationship to the space and time. It is well known eg the address URL of your contacts, but not necessarily their place of physical life, we ask questions via mobile interposed while finding the answer immediately on the web ... This revolution, we practice every day ....
Another feature much less visible this time we are experiencing seems to be trying to converge data "scientific" and "religious data." While this approach has not yet become a true cultural matrix, one can note, however, thanks to the Internet, and beyond the standard media a real matchmaking between science and tradition is work. All disciplines are now affected by this search for coherence. Psychology research all political and social implications of the famous "know thyself" ecology wondered how to find a proper relationship with the myth of Mother Earth, philosophy and religion are regularly around the table to develop a fruitful dialogue between reason and faith, psychology is enriched by findings on spirituality. Examples could be multiplied together.
As we approach Christmas, I want to go back to a point of convergence that has been recently highlighted by the obstetrician Michel Odent. Pioneer of physiological childbirth, Michel Odent in his book "Love scientific " devotes an interesting interlude to the Nativity. Michel Odent is not looking to work nor a historian nor a theologian. But he notes that the "scientist of love perfectly illustrates the convergence between the data of modern science and what is transmitted from the earliest times by the oral and written traditions. It expresses the correspondence between the conditions of divine birth and that of all human birth: " one of the key findings that emerged from our efforts Synthesis is the ability to love is to a large extent, determined by early experiences during fetal life and the period surrounding birth .
Michel Odent is continuing to reflect and gives those in search of the literature on some birth biblical readings ... "When I talking about physiology of childbirth and birth, we often wonder references articles or books. My answer may surprise. I refer to a best-selling book written millennia ago. I recommend first to read the first page, where we find a highly significant association. It mentions the sin of eating the fruit of knowledge, ie the sin of knowing too much. On the same page, we learn that human beings are condemned to have difficult births. This association indicates clearly that the development of the intellect is a handicap in certain circumstances, particularly for the birth of babies. I recommend reading this book then known until the end . There is then the story of a man whose mission was to promote love. We learn that his mother found a strategy to overcome his disability as a human being and reduce the activity of the neocortex when the baby gave the signal of its imminent arrival. She gave birth in a manger, among mammals, apart from the human community. Can you imagine what better illustration of the current convergence between science and tradition? Some messages have never been decoded before the advent of modern science. "
Having been a practitioner and technologist highly interventionist, Michel Odent has changed its vision over experience to finally encourage births physiological through the Houses of birth, water birth and home confinement. His great discovery could not be simpler: children do not learn! Any attempt to intellectualize a complex natural process is the best way to take risks ... I was summarizing here factors that can greatly hinder the physiological birth (rational language, strong light, feeling of being observed, feeling of insecurity).
The birth of Jesus in a simple barn, is archetypal of any physiological birth because, as rightly noted by Michel Odent, all disturbing factors are neutralized. "The situation was ideal for that Mary feels safe." Work "has established itself in the best possible conditions ... Shortly after his birth, the newborn Jesus in the arms of a mother ecstatic as instinctive a mammal from children can be. is truly sacred in an atmosphere that Jesus was welcomed and he could easily and gradually eliminate stress hormones secrete it took him to be born. Mary's body was hot. The barn itself was warm thanks to the presence of other mammals. Instinctively, Mary covered the body of her baby with a dress she had on hand. She was fascinated by the sight of her baby and nothing could distract her from the intense beam of looks that came .
Every birth brings us back to the origins of life. In this sense every birth is sacred . Life is beyond anything a human mind could ever happen. For this reason, to discover the depth, it is sometimes necessary to silence the subtle channels of our neocortex. Love reveals itself best in peace, the darkness and trust. We need to Michel Odent of us discover that the miracle of life is the humility of thought and respect for the physiological laws. Here's a little about meditation for this Christmas season.
I take this opportunity to wish all those which currently bear a child the best travel waited until the day when your eyes meet ...
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