Tuesday, December 28, 2010

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Maria Montessori, imagination and storytelling

This is a theme that has spilled much ink. There is no doubt that Maria Montessori pedagogy has a realistic understanding develops through sensory development . But Maria Montessori did so far evacuated all possible input of tales for children.? Unlike other teachers, she has completely ignored the public's imagination in the development of the psyche child?

Seeking information about it on the internet for a while, I finally acquired a book of lectures given by Maria Montessori. This book is unfortunately in German: " Spannungsfeld Kind-Gesellschaft- Welt", published by Harder. The works of Maria Montessori conference is remarkable. They condense his thoughts and beautifully illustrated with short sentences and concise hit the corner of his observations.
discussed the theme of imagination and child development, it seems important to return to the writings of educator because, once again, with his thought experiment, it does not fail to surprise us as it is far from any a priori ideological ...
I offer here some excerpts of the lecture given in London in 1946 whose title clearly announces the topic: "On imagination and storytelling .

First Maria Montessori discusses the psychological characteristics of children under six before addressing the issue later stories and the role of imagination in the development of the child.
" For children under 6 years, it is typical of their age they can hardly teach. They can not really benefit from the teachings of a professor . It why we do not send them to school at this age and they receive no education before the age of six. On the other hand, it is typical of their age can learn a lot and understand. They are thirsty for knowledge. This may seem like a contradiction. But the truth is that children of this age are developing their knowledge of themselves in contact with the environment . (...). Children at this age after an internal law. They can extract a lot of environmental knowledge, but they can do so through their own activity . They derive from the environment a spiritual food. Their sensory organs are able to function properly for this work. So they can grow and build the child standard ".

Maria Montessori then explains his views on the place that gives its pedagogy tales. It is his experience that led him to conclude that children engaged with their hands do not feel the need to hear stories.
"If I cons tales that would not be in the mood for some reason, but because of specific facts that I have observed many times. These facts come from the children themselves and not my own thoughts. I simply observed that children who begin working with their hands are very interested in things outside world. We see in these children changes that surprise us. If they work with their hands they lose insolence without reprimand. Their shyness, mood swings and confusion disappear like magic. This astonishing fact has made our experiences meaningful. This is an important characteristic of the child and was once unknown. With his bad habits have also disappeared from the traits that were rented before: extreme obedience, excessive attachment to the mother, submission, etc.. All this disappeared with bad habits. The great love stories also disappears "...
" I can give many instances where when the teacher was telling stories to children, they went to small small, especially the young, he remained ultimately more than older children who were listening. (...). "The older children stayed out of politeness hoping that the mistress would soon be finished with the story. When the teacher had finished, the older children are also left quickly. In the spirit of the child there no specific interest in these tales. They listen, at least the older ones, but they carry with them impulses larger and more natural. When they are free to choose, they choose something more meaningful to their development . (...).
is the experience I had with the children. Myself I like storytelling. They are very beautiful, fantastic and entertaining. (...) The stories represent a significant literature. If I could, I would be a volume bringing together all the tales of the land so that adults learn more about themselves .

Maria Montessori then explains that children over six years are able to receive any benefit from a professor. It then explains that the children of this age can benefit from a small tale especially when it concerns a matter of justice or injustice. We know that Maria Montessori, children between six and twelve years developing a high sensitivity for all questions relating to what is good or what is bad. But she immediately adds that tales should not substitute for activities that promote concentration really. "We must seek what are the characteristics that allow this treasure which is the concentration. We can also search for characteristics that the child can take through each story to see how it can help the development of its faculty understanding .
Maria Montessori did not systematically refuses the role of stories especially for children over six years. But she urges the educator to do a real job observation to measure the real contribution some stories. It also gives a decisive criterion for assessing their value: the concentration . A story that does not lead the child to him losing his concentration and psychic energy dynamics of its growth.

Maria Montessori, before giving his analysis on the contribution stories especially for small children, about sums up the characteristics that define the story. This brief analysis is important because after showing the limits of storytelling in child development, however, explain how it the literary characteristics of the tale can be used for children's learning .
" The stories are short and have several characters that are accurate. The characters are typical . Some stories are of poor children, while others depict animals. There is in every story is something that presents characters in an unusual way. The environment is reduced to its simplest expression: this may be a palace, a forest or road. The environment is also presented in a form that challenges the imagination. Imagination only receives a stimulus. This way of presentation often leads to domestic activity whose aim is to reconstruct a situation clearly .
"If we follow these characteristics we will see that we can communicate our thoughts in children. If we use the method that the stories are, we can enter into communication with the child. Instead of giving a lesson to any child, we must submit their short stories based on these fundamental characteristics .
We can see that if Maria Montessori course emphasizes the risk that the tales may be pose to children if they are presented too early, we should also note that it takes the structural model of the story to help establish effective communication between the adult and child .

Thus, Maria Montessori seeks to measure the real impact of storytelling on child development and especially its standardization psychic (ability to work intensively and concentrate). It also appropriates the pedagogical model of the story because it allows the child to absorb information, to connect them by his imagination and reconstruct a story to make it communicable.
" Children can benefit from the environment without any teacher. It is their natural ability. They also have a faculty for the work that stimulates their mind. We need only reach to see how children are able to receive stories that adults tell . We can tell stories that are structured as stories and, by the way, communicates knowledge. The difference between stories and stories is that stories based on real events, while the stories are created . The stories include facts, but these facts are now distant, they appear fantastical. We can not see them, we can only imagine. Stories can be a job that supports the development of the faculty of imagination. You can not connect these stories through the senses, but can communicate through the imagination. Children must reconstruct the details .

We saw that Maria Montessori observed how the stories could keep children away from their real psychic needs. In same time it accords them the ability to connect children with distant historical realities. The structure of the story can help develop the imagination whose activity is necessary for the functioning of the total intelligence. A close look, Maria Montessori distinguishes the imagination of the imagination. Imagination leads to escape from reality. The imagination can deepen . Well told stories enable children to develop this faculty.
" The stories of the past can be a very boring list of events. They need not be given this way. They should be given as stories. The stories should be short, with little characteristics and the environment should be restricted to the maximum. They must be trained with a lot of imagination. The stories must show an environment that is very different from ours. Then the child does not only reconstructed the story, he develops his intelligence . Without intelligence we can not understand. We live in a particular environment, and if we only receive one, then our minds will remain poor . We must receive knowledge so they can enrich us as .
Then Maria Montessori will seek to demonstrate the role of imagination in the development of intelligence. This will enable emphasize that power is necessary for normal development of human beings, but it does not come primarily from listening to stories.
"We can not make discoveries without which we previously imagined that we seek. We should not however believe that imagination is developed only through stories. It's all the intelligence that is working under mode of imagination . All discoveries of mankind are the fruits of the imagination. Imagination is really the substance of our mind . All the theories and all progress comes from this faculty the spirit that rebuilt. (...). The theories are received as stories in our imagination and are then reconstructed by our intelligence. It why theories can be communicated.

imagination rather than MEMORY
We have seen how fundamental place Montessori gives to the imagination. Far from giving him the place of the poor, she ressitue whole dynamic at the heart of psychic development of the human being. The stories themselves can power a real pedagogical thinking as their constitution and simple feature can help give children the information that the senses can not allow them to apprehend.
" I gave my opinion. I think that's the truth. I think a change of direction is necessary to ensure that knowledge is not absorbed by the memory (surface absorption) but by the imagination (assimilation deep and lasting) . The lessons should reflect this objective. He who learns must suffer and not get bored. It will thus be more enthusiasm and more substantially fed.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

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Father and the bond of attachment

There is much talk of the attachment relationship between mother and child. Rightly. Less discussed, the role of fathers in infancy. Is this wrong?
Professor psychology and early childhood specialist, Jean Le Camus, developed the idea through his research that all children aspire to create a bond with his mother ... with his father.

Recognizing the limitations of psychoanalytic theories that limit the action of the father in an "operation of separation" between mother and child, the work of Jean Le Camus suggest that early attachment relationship between father and child will greatly contribute to his psychological development. A reduction in the father's role and action separator requirements authoritarian pit dynamics support and commitment that should unite father and child. "The practice the authority of the father , in the sense of limitation rules and return limits, does is absolutely incompatible with the extra security, understanding and affection . One is tempted to add, "the contrary" the real authority of a father , and admits that a child respects, c ' is one that proceeds from the desire to grow (the man is then entered the stage of' generativity 'dear to Erikson), which also stems from the confidence placed in the potential the child who makes finally the practice of listening and dialogue .

When questioned, there is not so long ago, when fathers were to begin to intervene in the upbringing of children, it was not uncommon to hear "after the period mother ", ie after the period of infancy. The views have been évolués.Les scientists have also shown that babies are able to:
- vary the father of the mother at the age of 3 months
- better relational interaction within the family triad when fathers showed a good investment emotional and cognitive development.

"It is now clear established that a father sufficiently present in the care and the game becomes an attachment figure as well as the mother and people who are in the close relationship of the baby. The child usually prefer the "basic security" tongue, especially when it feels difficult (fatigue, illness, presence of foreign ...), but the famous criteria of attachment are the "protest at the separation "and" consolation at the meeting "are satisfied in the observations conducted in context paternal .

Thus Jean Le Camus urges fathers to" intervene "in rather in the education of their children before ... even their birth if possible ... It shows that their early involvement will have a clear influence on the socialization of the child in the Development of Communication (the child is forced to develop more quickly understandable language, the father without the benefit of the maternal instinct), and cognitive learning.

For each parent can play its role, Jean Le Camus stresses the need for reciprocity in confirmation roles. "It is clear that no one becomes a parent on the condition of being accepted and recognized by the other parent: in this sense, the mother "is the father in the same way also the father" is "the mother. But it is equally clear that being father is first accept and decide to be, ie to take responsibility and try to assume this responsibility. It is the philosopher Alain Etchegoyen writer who wrote recently: "I often think of an affirmation of Nietche" venerate motherhood, fatherhood is often a chance. " Today we can turn this completely random, it can be a necessity, a choice that I'm sure. It is both a opportunity and a requirement. It's much more difficult but infinitely positive '.

"I think also we can no longer defend the thesis of" single parenthood psychic original and need to prefer the thesis the biparentalité. The optimum child development and its balance can not live with a paternal role biphasic (spectator during the age of the mother, actor thereafter). It requires each parent is fully and immediately in her parental gendered: there is a "double presence early said the same Etchegoyen.

A See also:

Monday, December 20, 2010

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Dear converted to New Faith

Some of you will unfortunately sacrifice their children to celebrate the pagan festival called no one knows why the name of an elected official of a town hall environmentalist, former television news presenter. To decorate the Christmas tree (another pagan heritage) of Bouboule fantasy in strict adherence to our great religion, the Flying Spaghetti Monster in His great magnanimity, will advise the beautiful object above.

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scientific tale of love ... the mystery of the Nativity!

We live in postmodernity. This historical period is certainly due to the unprecedented development of the digital revolution that changes our relationship to the space and time. It is well known eg the address URL of your contacts, but not necessarily their place of physical life, we ask questions via mobile interposed while finding the answer immediately on the web ... This revolution, we practice every day ....
Another feature much less visible this time we are experiencing seems to be trying to converge data "scientific" and "religious data." While this approach has not yet become a true cultural matrix, one can note, however, thanks to the Internet, and beyond the standard media a real matchmaking between science and tradition is work. All disciplines are now affected by this search for coherence. Psychology research all political and social implications of the famous "know thyself" ecology wondered how to find a proper relationship with the myth of Mother Earth, philosophy and religion are regularly around the table to develop a fruitful dialogue between reason and faith, psychology is enriched by findings on spirituality. Examples could be multiplied together.
As we approach Christmas, I want to go back to a point of convergence that has been recently highlighted by the obstetrician Michel Odent. Pioneer of physiological childbirth, Michel Odent in his book "Love scientific " devotes an interesting interlude to the Nativity. Michel Odent is not looking to work nor a historian nor a theologian. But he notes that the "scientist of love perfectly illustrates the convergence between the data of modern science and what is transmitted from the earliest times by the oral and written traditions. It expresses the correspondence between the conditions of divine birth and that of all human birth: " one of the key findings that emerged from our efforts Synthesis is the ability to love is to a large extent, determined by early experiences during fetal life and the period surrounding birth .

Michel Odent is continuing to reflect and gives those in search of the literature on some birth biblical readings ... "When I talking about physiology of childbirth and birth, we often wonder references articles or books. My answer may surprise. I refer to a best-selling book written millennia ago. I recommend first to read the first page, where we find a highly significant association. It mentions the sin of eating the fruit of knowledge, ie the sin of knowing too much. On the same page, we learn that human beings are condemned to have difficult births. This association indicates clearly that the development of the intellect is a handicap in certain circumstances, particularly for the birth of babies. I recommend reading this book then known until the end . There is then the story of a man whose mission was to promote love. We learn that his mother found a strategy to overcome his disability as a human being and reduce the activity of the neocortex when the baby gave the signal of its imminent arrival. She gave birth in a manger, among mammals, apart from the human community. Can you imagine what better illustration of the current convergence between science and tradition? Some messages have never been decoded before the advent of modern science. "

Having been a practitioner and technologist highly interventionist, Michel Odent has changed its vision over experience to finally encourage births physiological through the Houses of birth, water birth and home confinement. His great discovery could not be simpler: children do not learn! Any attempt to intellectualize a complex natural process is the best way to take risks ... I was summarizing here factors that can greatly hinder the physiological birth (rational language, strong light, feeling of being observed, feeling of insecurity).
The birth of Jesus in a simple barn, is archetypal of any physiological birth because, as rightly noted by Michel Odent, all disturbing factors are neutralized. "The situation was ideal for that Mary feels safe." Work "has established itself in the best possible conditions ... Shortly after his birth, the newborn Jesus in the arms of a mother ecstatic as instinctive a mammal from children can be. is truly sacred in an atmosphere that Jesus was welcomed and he could easily and gradually eliminate stress hormones secrete it took him to be born. Mary's body was hot. The barn itself was warm thanks to the presence of other mammals. Instinctively, Mary covered the body of her baby with a dress she had on hand. She was fascinated by the sight of her baby and nothing could distract her from the intense beam of looks that came .
Every birth brings us back to the origins of life. In this sense every birth is sacred . Life is beyond anything a human mind could ever happen. For this reason, to discover the depth, it is sometimes necessary to silence the subtle channels of our neocortex. Love reveals itself best in peace, the darkness and trust. We need to Michel Odent of us discover that the miracle of life is the humility of thought and respect for the physiological laws. Here's a little about meditation for this Christmas season.

I take this opportunity to wish all those which currently bear a child the best travel waited until the day when your eyes meet ...

Saturday, December 11, 2010

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Thursday, December 2, 2010

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Thursday, November 25, 2010

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How horrible!

As you can see from the photo above, our friend the Invisible Pink Unicorn was captured and severely reduced stew by unscrupulous miscreants.
May the Flying Spaghetti Monster does not know a lot so unenviable. Pray for the Safety of His immortality.


Saturday, November 20, 2010

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Thursday, November 18, 2010

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