Maria Montessori has caused shockwaves around the world by revealing the child standard. Many celebrities are then came to visit its schools to contemplate what then seemed miraculous. Rather than invent a new teaching method, Maria Montessori has primarily highlighted the stages of psychological and spiritual development of children. His method is not an assumption asked to priori. She marries as finely as possible stages of child development free from the constraints imposed by the adult world.
All Montessori is built around a triad. Mainstream schools to develop most of the time a report on the pedagogy teacher / student or in other words, teacher and learner. By introducing the third term fundamental environmental Montessori amend the report introduces a classic triad of teaching: child / director / environment. It is now possible to leave the "battle" binary between student and teacher. The teacher becomes the bridge that connects the child's environment. It is no longer the source of information, but one that is in contact with the source. Because the information is first in the environment before becoming lodged in the head teacher. The primary function of the educator is not to teach but to guide the natural energy of the child to be able to better capture all the information embedded in the structures of the universe.
Getting together to serve the child asks the teacher a profound change in his look and attitude. There are few teachers who have both insisted that Maria Montessori on the spiritual that the educator must develop to be able to accompany the metamorphoses of childhood.
The Montessori education must know how to prepare the environment and present the material as an artist. It must also prepare themselves spiritually for his work makes a real service to the soul of the child. The child is the creator of the adult he is becoming. The teacher supports and guides the energy wealth in which the child draws for its development. Maria Montessori, the spiritual preparation of the adult is the most important task without which everything else may miss its target.
Before anything else the teacher must change his look. The child is not to be a thank you to his will. It is a full human being whose dignity must be recognized. His spontaneous activities are indicative of a very high psychic activity which reveals his spiritual capacity. Divine laws are at work in each child that the adult must learn to serve and recognize.
Our physical height often leads us to "take down "the smallest of us. Their small size is an invitation for us to regain our" stature "spiritual in us" decreasing "to enable them to grow. Humility is the characteristic arrangement of Montessori education . To serve life, there is no other way. The meaning of education is not acquired by Time psychological knowledge and cultural knowledge by this ability to serve.
When we are in an adult society, it always reminds us our faults. If I'm bitter mood, I will raise around me a certain aggressiveness. This mirror effect allow me to realize my faults. Children remind us of our much less than through the adult world. Because they absorb them ... With them we are much more difficult to identify our problem behaviors.
However, the company does not return us our bad moods. It also sets our behavior. From this point of view, it can help to blind us to the situation that we subject to the smallest. To serve them, so we must clean our eyes to see clearly again. "Blessed are those who see ..."
However, the company does not return us our bad moods. It also sets our behavior. From this point of view, it can help to blind us to the situation that we subject to the smallest. To serve them, so we must clean our eyes to see clearly again. "Blessed are those who see ..."
Is it so far that educators are all perfect people? At this price, you better stop to "cogitate" on educational data. With pragmatism, Maria Montessori calls the educator to fight against the two sins "deadly" it faces: pride and anger. By releasing these two deviations, the teacher can build a true partnership with the child.
These are the two threats that can jeopardize the work of any educator. In society adult, the ego takes pride sometimes seems like a quality. Competition, constant challenge, the careerism, social position are often swollen ego. The individual loses the sense of proportion and just over the other. He forgets to belong to the same humanity, which develops only in reciprocity.
The struggle and the pressure that we can remain proud to stand sometimes push us beyond our limits. The anger comes when expressing this break with our needs really basic.
The struggle and the pressure that we can remain proud to stand sometimes push us beyond our limits. The anger comes when expressing this break with our needs really basic.
If the company in his current organization, sometimes tends to build value in the man capable of pride and anger, it does play its supervisory role and keeps us well explosions. This is not to explode in the presence of his peers ...
However, before the little child who can not play the role of "social control" and does not return our psychic deviations, then it is possible to leave room for the bully in all of us ...
To reach the promised land (vacant) must leave Pharaoh and his tyrannical empire. Moses invites us to cross the waters of anger and pride, to leave them behind us. This program archetypal proposes that sacred history is a remarkable echo in the mind of Maria Montessori, which emphasizes that the greatest danger to the educator lies in its "potential" tyranny. " A person who is in a position of authority indisputée, free from criticism runs the danger of becoming a tyrant. The next step will be to consider this authority as her right and to consider any insult against him as a crime. Many teachers, often unconscious and look at their authority in this way by claiming a right dictatorial on the child. Respect is then due only on one side, that of small screws towards the fort. Any abuse by the teacher is legitimate, he may find adversely the child, speak ill of him in front of others, and sometimes even go on strike ... but any protest from the child is considered as insubordination intolérabl e ".
Thus, Maria Montessori, the action of the educator must begin with an act of humility" t out as does the priest when he said before the Confiteor s' approach the altar. "With humility, the adult will observe germination spiritual at work in every child. He will then see all the beauty of the soul awake. To be human is to serve the development. The soul of the child is certainly the most wonderful masterpiece ... The adult who can see ux is near the Kingdom of God ...
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