Appearance of the Flying Spaghetti Monster on a pumpkin pie. Genuine
and without cheating.
Brothers and sisters,
You know, the Flying Spaghetti Monster is present always and everywhere. It is in our midst. And even if his presence is invisible, it is undeniable. The invisible. This quality consubstantial with the divine nature of our Creator is attested by all believers. Thus, when a plate of communion pasta every Friday, do they not feel His presence filled the end of the meal? Communion is indeed the first sign of love's invisible Flying Spaghetti Monster.
invisible and supernatural action of the Flying Spaghetti Monster is every day around us. So few people know that through His invisible appendages noodles that Flying Spaghetti Monster keeps us on the ground. Is this not sufficient proof of His love? Without him, we float in space like balloons. Praised be He!
Sometimes, to strengthen our faith, the Flying Spaghetti Monster is engaged in several appearances. We true believers have not need these events. But some of our brothers and sisters in the faith wavering, and the incredulous and members of other religious movements less credible, need to see some truth in the face. Thus, we all saw his event on the photos of fireworks on July 4th in the U.S. and at home July 14.
Contrary to the false gods, ours does not reveal itself in three children in a dark cave or corner of an adult in the shadows of a monastic cell, and when it occurs, is the largest number in order to assert that He is the One and Only. Thus, Pat (a very pretty name Pastafarians) a believer in our church, he wrote us to give us a demonstration of His presence at a concert of music. He saw, like the thousands of spectators and millions of users who share this video, a demonstration of the Flying Spaghetti Monster in the hair of the singer, meat balls included. Just look .
Some skeptics have seen the divine manifestations in the presence of aliens, which we highly doubt. (Our religion is reasonable and rational and it is not encumbered with superstitions of a bygone age.) Therefore, after reading this article Francis Brown, we fell from the clouds. This gentleman claims that the manifestations of the Virgin (mere illusions, of course) could be explained by the existence of extraterrestrials. Read more:
The first reason to stop on that assumption now is that the existence of these aliens can not be doubted. The general public still does not seem to know [...]. This ignorance is even more amazing regarding the apparitions of the Virgin for the aliens, because nobody has ever tried to hide these apparitions. There was even, despite everything, some echoes in the international press. Ignoring these signs given by God to wealth comes only from what they do not interest anyone in our world of pleasure and consumerism. To the aliens, this ignorance is excusable because, in their case there is a fierce determination all international forums to block any information and ridicule those who try to break this silence.
We all laugh at such nonsense. Indeed, we know that the aliens do not exist any more than the other gods and their acolytes. All these visions are generated by the Flying Spaghetti Monster in trouble minds the most sensitive. But let us fear for them, soon they will know and they will see.